Oct 17, 2010 16:55
In prepping for the upcoming Halloween Party I have been reading through my books of haunting. Particularly the ones based around the Texas Coast.
It has been refreshing to hear ghost stories instead of hearing about investigations of ghosts. For a time I did enjoy ghost hunter shows but that was back when they were specials that they would show around this time of year. For a bit I did take time to watch Ghost Hunters but fell out of love with it as I started looking into the gear and the investigative technique.
Now, when I watch these shows like Paranormal State and that other one where they do the lock in all I can see is really bad investigations and a LOT of presumptions on what is happening.
Regardless of wether ghosts and spirits exist what I a concerned about are the people that think that some kind of professional is coming into their home and making entertainment of the problems going on in that house.
Lets presume that ghosts are real and when an exorcist or "sensitive" is brought in to cleans the house are they really doing any good? Seriously, what if the spirit is of native american origin, would a catholic exorcism do any good? It would be the same thing if you brought in a Korean Exorcist to cleans a well documented Protestant owned home and presumed ghost.
Outside of the ghost aspect, is the investigation. There are a LOT of leading questions and cold readings that are more obvious than a white elephant in the room. The gear that they bring out is mostly misused as well. I do give Paranormal State one point for testing out the psychics to see if the are consistent in the readings.
That is why I have gone back to books for any real scary moments. Old Ghost stories, campfire tales and folklore. Good stuff and can be a little unnerving late at night and you don't know where the cat is. Scared myself when I hear the cat mewing in the bathroom and seconds later felt something against my leg. It was her, she trotted in and I did not hear her whining at me as she did. That was a good scare ^_^
Some say that scary stuff is not fun but that is the point of scary movies and stories. Get you adrenaline rush while still knowing you are safe. It also lets you temper your control over your imagination as well.
Great story, My mother and my sister went to go see a late showing of Friday the 13th when it came out oh so long ago. When they got home my sister rushed out of the car to open the garage door (before electric doors were popular) and they got into the garage as fast as they could and closed the door. No real danger just imagination making something up. When they got in they had a good laugh and settled down for the night.
Had thought about reading stories and posting the audio but I have too much on my plate to add something like that.
Even though I did not like Paranormal Activity in the theater I do recommend it for the home. Watching it in a more intimate environment makes it much more interesting. I think its on Instant Watch from Netflix right now.