Sep 27, 2010 20:55
I had something to post but I forgot what it was.
One thing I remembered, Librivox is a podcast that does free readings of various books. Mostly public domain but there is some original content as well. One of the programs that I found is called "Moonlit Road"
The show has only been around for a little while so it only has a handful of shows. They are some good old fashion southern ghost stories. No ghost hunters, investigation or anything you would see on the SYFY channel. Just some nice atmosphere with a good narrator. If you are like me and reminisce about the good old days of the Halloween season check this out.
I still remember when the local networks would host an hour of ghost stories or something halloween related early in the evening before you go out for trick-r-treating. And while the little kids are out you start getting the Nightmare on Elm St, Aliens, and other horror movies showing through the night. In fact, I found the Disney Halloween special. It was nothing more than a clip show of all the various spooky stuff they made up to then but it has some really good atmosphere. The tape I found on Amazon is almost 200 dollars. I used to have a copy of it but that was lost in the great termite war with most of my VHS collection.
I need to go to my parents house and find my old McDonalds happy meal plastic pumpkins from back in the day. Nostalgia ^_^