Happy fucking New Year!

Jan 01, 2003 22:32

Well now, it is now the year 2003. Surprised everyone has made it this far. Im surprised that all the people who said they'd kill themselves by the end of the year havent. I guess they all did have something to live for. Im not gonna lie, i was one of those kids about 2 years ago. Thanks to Sean, i was one who DID have someone to live for, that is why im still here..typing this to ya'll. I just hope everyone had a great Christmas vacation and a wondeful New Years..we're startin' off all over again, lets make this year a fucking good one :D!@#

So im updating for the first time in a really long time. Surprising isnt it? Has anyone missed me? maybe you have and maybe you havent but if you have leave some lovin' in a comment a lil later after you read on.. ;]

So Christmas was pretty shitty. As most of you probably know i was in New Jersey visiting my family, and yes i did get to visit my sweetie pie in Massachusetts<33 I had so much fun with him. I always do, he's my baby and he treats me good ;] He bought me a ring and an ICP shirt. Its a sexy one at that. But we did have an excellent time. watched movies, ate some foooood. Had a good cry ( well i did ) cuz i didnt wanna leave my baby. i just love him so much i cant help but cry over him. And for all you fuckers that think im 'obsessed' fuck ya'll. i dont give a shit, leave your fucking comments to yourself unless they're something i wanna hear, and they're nice =)

Spending time at my grandmothers house was so shitty. I didnt like it at all even tho i did get to see some of my friends ( nikki and bicep mostly ) and i saw alexa, a girl i used to be best friends with in like middle school. good stuff, she didnt even recognize me. she's suddenly popular and hasnt talked to me since 8th grade. lol it's all good i dont really give a fuck. But i was over my aunts house for most of the vacation, chillin' online and what not. Had some good meals and shit, twas alright i guess.

Im so glad to be home tho. I really missed my kitties and my bed and my computer, and CABLE ;x shit son, my g-ma aint got no cable, i had to sleep on the floor cuz she got rid of all her shit cuz she thinks shes gonna die or something. old people scare me, i know shes my g-ma but you know its fucked up when she constantly says "oh thank god i ACTUALLY made it to this Christmas, i doubt i will next year" its so fucked up. me and my dad musta yelled at her 5000 times. She's such a pain in the ass.

Well, my flight coming back to the 'sunshine state' was pretty good. i called sean a couple times to let him know what was goin' down cuz i figured he was concerned. And we had to switch planes in Tampa and i almost missed it, cuz i was in the bathroom on my celly lol but i made it. And they were like worried cuz we had to hurry up cuz there was a thunderstorm. And they werent gonna take off in a thunderstorm. It was pretty cool tho.

Last night was New Years eve. I spent the entire night talking to my sweetie <3 We stayed home together and just straight up talked. It was wonderful. We musta talked till 3:00 this morning. hence why i woke up at 1:00 this afternoon. god i love sleeping ;] He woke up around 2. what a cutie. he looks so adorable when he sleeps heh. But anyways yeah, we brought in the new year together. couldnt have anything better. We used the web cams that his momma bought us for christmas and just chilled <33

I didnt even get to watch the ball drop, so if anyone did, tell me about it k? was it pretty? i saw the one that was chillin' in times square..cuz my g-ma had it on TV when i was there but normally i watch it with my dad but he went to sleep early and i would have much rather talked to sean than chilled with my dad you know? i think anyone would much rather talk to their loved one then their father. Oh well but yeah tell me bout the BALL ;x

I didnt do anything today either. I just chilled online // the phone // my web cam with Sean all day. Since about 2:00 when he woke up. I would have slept later but my fucking dad woke me up at 1:00 to put the groceries away. oh well i got mac and cheese, vanilla coke and orange soda so im a happy camper. I love me some vanilla coke, and orange soda. who loves orange soda? giiina loves orange soda. lmao does anyone remember that from Kenan and Kel? i do. good show, good show.

This is to my girl xsarah1x. I told her i'd put her in this entry cuz she said she was worried about me since i hadnt updated in a wicked long time. Sje's my undies buddy and my twiin dawg, homies fo life<33

Its so good to be home. I had a good nights sleep in my own fucking bed. Got my computer back, got my baby..my kitties and everything i had before. god new jersey sucks nowadays. im happy i got my ass back in florida. i mean g-wood sucked before, but damn its like even more dead now. sucks for everyone living there. haha im sorry but its true, it just sucks so much there. But Bicep made it all worth it. We got so crazy when we chilled. got some red bull and a new years eve hat and went to burger king. good times!@#

okie well i have nothing more to say. im gonna go talk to Sean and comment a bitch load of peoples entries cuz i owe it to them and i havent in a looong time. if i havent gotten to you yet, expect a comment from me because i promised i'd comment everyone when i got home and imma keep my promise. everyone have a good new years and it sucks for those who have to go back to school tomorrow cuz i dont, but if you do..have fun! lol holler!@# MCL

-seans red balloon<33
i love you very much Sean<33
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