A woman was murdered in our apartment building last night; according to reports in yesterday's media, she was decapitated by her husband. I didn't know the family by name, but now I am running through the mental images of everyone I've ever seen push the PH button in the elevator and wondering if it was them. Creepy.
A long-time tenant in this morning's paper was quoted as saying something along the lines of "things just keep getting worse. We have had grow-ops in the building and police are here all the time, and now this." This is news to me. I've seen police cars show up from time to time, sure maybe even a couple of times a year but "all the time"? I also like to think I'm not so asleep at the switch that I miss major drug raids going on where I live. This is the first-ever (and hopefully only) murder ever to occur in our building, and we do not live in a major crime zone.
Oh, and in case you were wondering: the wife in question was not
mrs_clubber, and the husband in question was not me.
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I got a new umbrella for Christmas (a wee one ot fit in my briefcase), and tried it out for the first time today. When the bus came and it came time to close it, it wouldn't close. I tugged on it a little more forcefully, and it did close, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to make that snapping noise, and I am equally convinced that a little plastic tab wasn't supposed to ping off my eyeglasses. I'm guessing I broke off a locking tab; pretty sure the next time I open it that it won't stay open. Blah.
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Speaking of umbrellas, and incredibly self-centered woman got on the bus the stop after mine and dumped her dripping wet umbrella onto the seat beside her. These are cloth-covered seats, and that seat was going to be pretty much soaked for a good long while. She left it there the entire trip to the subway, and I silently fumed about it, wishing various ills on her (mostly that she would sit in an unpleasantly wet seat sometime in her travels today).
When she got up to leave, she accidentally left her umbrella on the seat. Instantly, I scooped it up, trotted after her, tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, ma'am, you forgot your umbrella."
...stoopid manners.