Some awesome quotes from Heather Mills after being awarded $33.6 million in her divorce from Paul McCartney:
"It was an incredible result in the end to secure mine and my daughter's future and that of all the charities that I obviously plan on helping and making a difference with because you know it has been my life for 20 years."
"But all of you that have researched know that it was always going to be a figure between 20 and 30 million (pounds), Paul was offering a lot less than that, which you'll see in the judgment, and very much last minute to put me and Beatrice sadly through this, incredibly sad."
"[McCartney's lawyer, Fiona Shackleton] has called me many, many names before even meeting me when I was in a wheelchair."
Is it just me, or is she playing the Victim Card a lot here? I don't know her, and I have no idea how much of a shit Paul McCartney may or may not have been during their marriage and proceedings afterward, but every time I heard anything about this case, Heather Mills seemed to be sure to mention at least one of the following
- Paul is putting our young daughter through this, onoes
- Remember, everyone, I'm involved in charities (followed by broad hints that a large portion of any settlement will go to such)
- Remember, everyone, I've lost a leg
...or am I being overly judgemental? I mean, she is involved in charities, and she has lost a leg... she just seems to play those cards whenever she's dealing with the media in regards to her divorce (which seems irrelevant and sympathy-seeking).
Whatever, I am just happy they have finally settled. I look forward to this 'news story' gradually fading away from my daily intake of world events.
Sidebar: When asking if she was justified in making these statements, I almost asked if she "has a leg to stand on" before I realized that that might be a touch inappropriate in this instance.