None of these things are related.

Mar 09, 2009 09:10

I started work this weekend on a vid that is filling me UTTERLY with GLEE. (Yes, this means I finally conquered my tech problems. Or at least figured out enough of a way to work around them that I can vid. *flexes*)

zabira linked me to Misha Collins being awesome at his first con. I don't talk about SPN much here, but I ship Castiel/Dean like WOAH. I can't decide whether I am more pleased with his "Castiel wants to retire to a country house with Sam and Dean" comment or the "Castiel would fall because of Dean" one. EITHER WAY.

We had freaky-ass weather here this weekend and look to be in for more of the same today. Sun! Rain! Snow! Sleet! Snail (Snow & Hail)! Snain (Snow & rain)! Make up your mind, Seattle. I'm exhausted.

Shows I am enjoying which will probably get me kicked out of fandom: Dollhouse (I think there's a lot of potential and look forward to it each week; also, where is all of the Echo/Sierra fic, y'all?) and Lie To Me (I know everyone hates this show, but I don't care, it makes me happy).

Shows which are over which I'm watching at an INCREDIBLY SLOW pace but still enjoying anyway: Alias (Sydney & Dixon FTMFW!) and Sports Night (We just finished season 1: Oh, ISAAC.)

Things that are pretty much a guaranteed way to get me to comment on your BSG posts: talk about how much you dislike Bill Adama (my relationship with him has turned toxic, you guys, I'm sorry) and/or talk about how awesome Saul Tigh is.

Actual words I said this weekend that are one awesome thing about being pregnant: "I'm not putting on enough weight. Let's have pizza for dinner."

Ratio of amount I would much rather be vidding as opposed to working right now: A TRILLION TO ONE.

Shows I never expected to always watch reruns of when I catch them: Six Feet Under. FISHERS. ♥ ♥ ♥

Things I never thought I'd say: If I had to choose between Pushing Daisies or Firefly being brought back next season, I'd choose Pushing Daisies. The Firefly ship has sailed. I LOVE MY SHOW, but I love it for what it was, and I think trying to bring it back now would be a failure because the moment has passed. That doesn't mean I still don't regret all of the awesome stuff we never got to see.

Also, I miss Emerson Cod.

Seriously, Seattle, it's March. WTF snow?!

bsg, pushing daisies, supernatural, sports night, firefly/serenity, alias, a weird and a wonderful show, vid talk, six feet under

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