(no subject)

Oct 02, 2010 16:15


Okay, not to my place, but to my friend's place, and she won't be able to mail it until Wednesday (people have lives, I get that!) BUT OHMYGOD PEOPLE SHE HAS THE IPOD! IT'S THERE!!! APPLE SENT IT!!! CAN WE ALL SCREAM NOW!!!

On other news... I'm torn about what to write for NaNo.

I have two OC ideas, both of which are kinda cliche and yet... maybe even three ideas, and all of them cliche.

  • Ryan's getting married to Barbara. They are dancing their first dance and Seth's video taping the whole thing. Claire, one of Ryan's closest friends (we all know that trio, don't we?) notices that Seth can't stop staring at the happy couple. She joins Seth and says, point blank, "You're in love with him, aren't you? I just thought I'd point out, because maybe you've never told anyone and you wanted to talk."
  • Seth left Brown after his first year and went back to Berkeley, and though now he's a semester behind, he's studying at Berkeley. Ryan's tending a bar as a partime job. Seth keeps going on dates after his break up with Summer, and keeps falling in love and being ignored. Ryan is still his sounding board. And for the first time in the last three years, they are spending all this time together at the bar. Ryan starts falling back in love with him.
  • AU. Ryan had to become a marine so Uncle Sam would pay for his education, and now he's signed up at Brown as a sophomore while Seth is a senior. Seth's friend, Lara, is taking a subject with Ryan, and Ryan has met Seth. Seth's parents are making him go back to Newport for his sister's third birthday and he wants to bring a date, only, he's not dating anyone. Everyone in Newport will be there, and he doesn't want to look more of a loser than he already is. Everyone wants to help Seth take someone, but there is no one available. So Seth asks Ryan, who he's barely spoken three words to, to go, that he'll pay him, because he knows Ryan needs the money. Ryan can't say no.

Told you it was cliche all the way around.

So, what ya think? Votes anyone???? *confused*

writing, nano10, real life

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