gotta discuss it

Mar 06, 2011 17:19

Because I have SEEN THE LIGHT!!!

Yes, I have seen the light. Judgement day is coming 11 May! I've seen the light! and the signs, and...

Well how? Lets see...

Yesterday mother needed to go to Lexington, so I tagged along. Stopped by Half-Price books, and lordy, lordy, what did my wandering eyes see???

No, not that smokin' hot babe that works there. But ROWS AND ROWS of Heinlein! Anderson! Asimov! Clarke!, and  Poul! Goddess take HPBs. Someone must have done an estate sale. There must have been 20 Heinlein alone, and dozens of others from the grand masters. I was in sci-fi heaven!

Except Heaven would have allowed me unlimited cash. (sigh, then drops his glasses NOOOOO!!!) Oh well, at least I can read the large print...

I swear I was never pushed so hard in my life. I felt like a stallion in a field of mares; all in season at once!) , but finally reality sat in and choose only two to replace the paperbacks of my favorite stories; Rama Revealed, and Foundation's Fear. That way I don't have to read them immediately since I'm still WAY behind in my reading.

I also picked up #9 in my on-going quest to get all of the Time Life Library of Art (28books). I only got...lets see. 28/9 carry the 2...19! to go. It was "The World of Delacroix" One artist I never heard of actually.  Aside from that, I got "The Kingdom" from DC Comics. That fills in that gap in my storyline finally. I have a few of the issues, but never was able to get the rest. Quite interesting, but it felt like the ending feel kind of flat. Reminded me of BSG's final episode where they found a earth and settled down.

Today, the signs are here. Got an order to do a check on a newly constructed house. So ran over there, got what I needed, and headed out. Going past this nature preserve, heaven of heavens! There was a Leucistic doe, and a normal white-tail doe in the field to the right. I had to quickly stop and watch them walk though. What is the odds of seeing a leunistic doe?  Beauty personified!

Went to Wal-mart for batteries, and while waiting in line guess who I saw? But a non-descript mutt. She didn't go terribly far. By the time everyone had patted, scratched, wanted to take home, rubbed, licked, stroked the wal-mart employees took her outside :).

Then I was heading out, an elderly lady dropped a box of pasta, and I didn't pause in my stride but picked it up, handed it too her, tipped my hat when she said thank you, and - yep - you guessed it. The fire alarm went off! They announced that everyone is to head for the nearest exits, leave the merchandise where it is. Well gave me the chance to try out that, so I went though the nearest fire exit.

Just goes to show you however. The end IS near. Just read that a Meth dealer faces loss of his comic book collection. [eyes pop out...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!)

Great goddess Epona! 18K+ books??? and here I thought I had a big collection (around 4k)

judgement day, wal-mart, comics, fire, leunistic, books

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