Phase 2

Mar 14, 2011 16:58

It finally begins.

Today, I got that nagging tooth problem fixed finally, and the Dr.'s office is sending out my test results.

This is what I've been working for goddess how long. Although it's only taken a month to get the medical stuff off my arse, it's been on my mind for over a year. Thanks to this little problem called the 'great recession' (rolls eyes - please, this is a frigging depression) I've been unable to go to any of the medical stuff for over a year. Finally, FINALLY it's over.

Now comes the real hard but slow next steps; paying them off. I've said before, I will not bankrupt myself to pay these off. I will pay small amounts at a time, and if they don't like it, well they can't get blood out of a carrot. So at long last I can safely say. Phase 1 of this is OVER. I'm back in debt, but it's a good debt. Not one done by over-indulgence or brain dead stupidity, or involuntary debt.

Phase 2 of my great make over is underway. Now I start paying bills, and getting things I've needed and wanted for quite awile.

Now not everything is completely done mind you. I still pressing hard on my 3 main things; The sales-person's license study, Web site building, and books. But the web site's template will be ready today, the books easily done by the end of the month, as for the license. Not sure yet on it, but it's coming along. I'm close to finishing up the book; math will be a challenge, but once I take the sample test, I'll know more about where I need to concentrate my studies.

I dedicate this new phase start to all of you, as well as toraneko Her invaluable tips on how to study, has been a major help, and helped to get me past the 'test anxiety' that's plagued me though my life. I don't like tests, but now I'm not scared of them. At least if I know how to study, I can get the confidence I need, and know then, I'll pass the class.

Phase 3 comes when I pass the SP licenses tests, and all of these 'projects' off my back once and for all. When that comes, I'll be working to make money, and pushing forward toward my other licenses. That will probably be about another year.

Phase 4 I believe will be when all these things are done, and I can settle into just MAKING money, instead of paying for classes, and pushing further than I am now.  Phase 4 will also be the start of "Project Pandora" my main goal in life; House, car, land, dog, horse, deer.

Whoo...2013 perhapse for Phase 4? I'm not going to even plan that far. Just taking it one step at a time.

But I know I'll make it. History has shown that if I jump into something, I usually fail. But planned and thinking about it for sometime and gradually going into something works out in the long run. I HAVE been thinking about this for a long time; at least 2008 if I remember right, and asking ones like srain gafennac, toraneko and others for advice.

I now feel, that for the first time in my life, I'm on the crest of a great wave, instead of paddling furiously toward it as I've been doing all my life. It's a great weight off my shoulders! But if I don't work hard, and fast, I'll loose this again. I will NOT loose it again!

Just call me a stubborn, long-eared mule. HE HAW!!

phase 4, web site, medial, dentist, great make over, phase 3, tooth, phase 2, business, sales person's license, project pandora, phase 1

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