until it's done.
Well that's the way it's been the last few weeks. Inch by inch, I'm getting the things done. For the last week I've put in a major effort to get my web site's template done and off my back. 2 days ago, I got it done, and it works finally. Rounded corners? Check, scales on different monitors? Check.
Surprisingly, I'm not completely happy with it :\ But I'm more happy, and can live with it, until I can do better. Which is good. For now, I can at least get the web site DONE, and it looks at least more professional than a lot I've seen.
Another thing; Having Debian as my primary OS, has been a long-term goal, even before I got into Ubuntu (Thanks
kelketek) Slowly though I've been making steady progress. I installed Debian 5 on the laptop, and installed LXDE as the GUI. As I said before I got 3 critical programs running finally on it. Well last night I also installed LibreOffice, and it works!!! I also was finally able to set up menu entries.
LXDE and XFCE both have no graphical or even text based menu editors. They keep saying they're coming, XFCE said it'd be about 2 versions in the future, and that could be 2 or more years in the future. Finally I just tried something and it worked. I basically copy an entry to another file, and add the new information. It works great! LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, and XnView are now installed on the menu system. It's more work, but it at least works. Thanks to D5 and LXDE, firefox starts about the same speed as on my 3ghz machine, and this laptop is only 900mhz! So the day I finish up updating all three of my counties books, I'll wipe the netbook and install Debian 6 and KDE 4.5 :). I'll have 3 weeks to get LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, and Truecrypt installed. I think I can do it in 2 days :)
I've got a set of coming doctors appointments that's going to drain my money and put me in short-term debt again. Nothing I can do about that, and this is about the only thing I'll do to get into debt again. I asked my doctor if my heart is healthy enough for se...er...biking, Hiking and just getting out in nature again. He ordered a stress test! Yesh...mother (who's undergone these already) said that it'll cost me about $800. YE FRACKING DOGS MATING WITH GOATS!! [grrr]
That's Thursday, so I'm going to just ask the doctor, if I really NEED one, or can he do some sort of test to see how I am without that huge expense. If not, they're taking it by installments.
gafennec , thank you for the advice here. I'm not going to bankrupt myself to pay them off. Then after that, I still have blood work to do at the doctor, and that tooth repaired so I'll be in hock again for a bit. (sigh)
In other news. I made it official. My new business now has a checking account. I got my first check from the bank I done the book for, and by gods if I need more accounts opened, I'll go to the bank I just opened my new account. The person who opened it, was a smokin' hot blond who was really nice. Which raises a question.
Why is it, when females wear low-cut tops and even tight tops, start trying to cover themselves a bit while talking to a male customer? I gave her one curtsy look when I first came in, and only kept at her face. Yet she was constantly adjusting her jacket a bit. But finally calmed it seems. The reason they WEAR that I understand is to attract a mate (male or female is up to them.)
Really she was a stunner, but honestly I'm no longer in the race or even interested. Even IF I was in the race, I'd have as much luck with her, as I'd have with a wild white-tail doe. So I was totally professional, and only interested in doing this account. I also gave her my full attention since this is an important thing; I was interested only in what she was saying, and tried to answer all questions accurately. The biggest reason is; I don't want any screw ups. I'm sure that's understandable.
So anyway. For the next two weeks, at least, I'm now putting all my effort into 3 things; Web site done, books fully updated, and making progress on my sales-person' license. I still can't give a goal on when I need to take the test but I'm closer finally.