Non timebo mala

Mar 12, 2011 17:20

Title: Non timebo mala
Author: scyllaya 
Rating: NC-17
Characters and/or Pairing: Dean/Gabriel, Sam, Bobby and some surprise characters ;)
Spoilers: Up to 6.11, goes AU from there.
Warnings: cursing, graphic sexual content (male/male), bottom!Gabriel
Word Count: ~ 14 000
Summary: Sequel to Dies Irae. Dean and Gabriel prepare to finish what the archangel started while Sam and Bobby search desperately for the older Winchester brother.
Disclaimer: All names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Don’t sue me! =D
AN: This is the eighth and final story of my “ Numinous verse”. Un-betad, sorry for that. Ignore my mistakes please!


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Part Three

Fox Lake, Wisconsin

‘Are we being symbolic here or something?’ Dean asked and both Gabriel and Urdung looked at him for a second. ‘Fox Lake’ he added if it wasn’t obvious from the start. The archangel just smiled and made a “Go on” gesture at Urdung. The god looked out at the lake before turning his dark eyes back at Dean.

‘Well, we are most certainly symbolic in the way that we’re close to water since that makes it much easier for Gabriel to channel his powers, but you already knew that. As for the name “Fox”, the Winnebago Indians simply called it Hosh-a-rac-ah-tah first, it was only later when people in need, close to death or getting lost in these waters were mysteriously saved by a man whom the shaman called “The Big Fox” did they change its name.’

‘Mysteriously’ Gabriel repeated while he lifted his eyebrow pointedly. Dean chuckled.

‘And even if the natives no longer live here people kept the name’ Urdung continued pointedly ignoring Gabriel. ‘A name is a powerful thing, young hunter, especially in magic, even more so it is important what that name represents.’

‘So this lake was named after you so it’s linked to you and not because it’s called fox in general’ Dean concluded.

‘Correct’ Urdung nodded with a slight smile on his lips. Dean gazed up at the still dark sky and the thick clouds above them, he knew there will be a storm, a heavy one, but that was given.

‘Are you well Gabriel?’ spoke Urdung and Dean turned his head back on the two. Gabriel had his face turned towards the sky with his eyes closed.

‘Prayers’ Gabriel said as he opened his eyes. ‘This is the day when it’s worship and not pleading. Makes my grace burn… let’s start.’


‘I’m almost there Bobby’ Sam shouted into the phone. ‘What do you know?’

‘--range lights, heavy storms the---rything fits-- it started in--- nsas and Missouri--’

‘I can’t hear you Bobby!’ Sam shouted as the line was breaking up, Sioux Falls was way inside the symbol and in the seven hours Sam’s been driving down Highway 90 even in the dark he could see how storm clouds were gathering in the sky hiding all stars and light. The sun was coming up now, but it only managed to make the deep dark blue clouds to black and grey.

‘No dama---ower outrage---but whatever it is---’

‘Bobby! Repeat that!’ Sam told him.

‘No sign of any--- in the other towns it’s only hap--- Fox Lake.’ Sam knew enough.

‘I call you when I found Dean!’ Sam said into the phone then he hung up, he pushed the gas down even more, grateful that the old land rover Bobby lent to him was in top condition. He passed the sign pointing him towards Randolph so he was only minutes away from the lake.


Dean stood a bit away from Gabriel. Urdung did his part opening a pass way, his dark flames burning on the surface of the lake, while thunder rang high up in the sky and storm clouds covered every trace of light that tried to filter through from the upcoming sun.  Only Gabriel stood at the edge of the water, Dean was watching him; he’s never seen him be like that. His skin was almost glowing with power and Dean knew that this was only the beginning. He saw as Lucifer broke out of his cage with his own eyes, but this… this took his breath away, his skin was covered with goose bumps and it was not the morning chill of the air, his heart was beating vehemently and he felt as adrenaline rushed in his veins.

‘…shaken and overwhelmed with fear when he saw him’ Urdung spoke standing next to him. ‘Luke 1:12’ at Dean’s widened eyes he added. ‘It’s that propaganda nonsense from Gabriel’s so-called father.’ Dean smiled, but it was not a true smile, he was too tense for that. ‘Be calm young hunter… it is almost time.’ Dean nodded firmly then Urdung swiftly disappeared from his side in a flick of dark flame. He would know, when every door was open, he would see it is what Gabriel said and he was ready for that.

‘Dean!’ the older Winchester brother swiftly turned on his heel at the voice.


Sam ran down on the last of the Chief Kuno Trail and by the time he noticed his brother and a bit further away the archangel he was out of breath. He stopped dead in his track when the second after Dean turned around he drew a gun out of his jacket. They stood like that for a few long moments only the sound of thunder, the stormy waters and the flickering of fire was heard.

‘You gonna shoot me?’ Sam asked. Dean’s eyes were locked on him.

‘Tranquilizer gun, Sammy’ Dean supplied. ‘I don’t underestimate you y’know, so I expected you to find us.’

Even in the low light Sam could see that when he actually looked at the gun closely, it eased some of the pressure in him.

‘And yeah, I’m more than willing to shoot you with this’ Dean added. ‘Turn around and walk away.’

‘No’ Sam answered. ‘What you’re doing here? It’s insane! I’m trying to help you, get you out of this!’

‘I don’t need your help! I don’t want to get out of this, I do exactly what I have to do, so you either walk away now or you’re going to sleep.’

Dean’s face was determined.

‘He did something to you, Dean. Why won’t you believe me?’

‘And why can’t you trust me?!’ Dean shouted. ‘After everything, everything I’ve done for you! Trust, Sam! To have fucking faith in me once in our fucking life without questioning me, without fighting me!’

Thunder rang loudly in the sky as the flames on the lake flared up. Dean briefly looked over his shoulder at Gabriel, even Sam’s eyes widened as it seemed like the light was pouring out of his skin, making him dazzling to look at.

‘If I ever meant something to you… Sam’ Dean looked back at him. ‘You asked me to trust you, even if what you wanted to do was something my whole being screamed against… and I did… I let you make that choice… do the same! Don’t stop me.’ he said as he turned around and ran down to the lakeside and Sam found that his legs didn’t want to move. He was torn, everything he thought told him to move, his mind was screaming at him to run after Dean, to draw a sigil and banish Gabriel, but his body didn’t move, couldn’t. He knew that look in Dean’s hazel-green eyes, it meant clearly that his decision was long made and not even Sam had a chance to change that. Then Dean’s voice rang in the air and Sam knew his chance to stop him slipped away.


Dean knew the words, repeated them in the past weeks so many times that he felt like it was seared in his brain. And Gabriel was right; he knew when the time arrived. When he saw the crystal glowing in front of Gabriel, just floating above his outstretched hand, white brilliance storming within it, fighting to be let free, he knew that this was it.

‘I call upon the Archangel Raphael, master of the air, to make open the way. I invoke you great grace of purity, guide of travelers lead us towards those we are waiting for, those who are waiting for us!’

The crystal in front of Gabriel shattered into million pieces and Dean had to close his eyes from the brilliance that broke out. It made the almost darkness shine and the grace of an archangel wrapped around the dark flames and Gabriel. The first bright lightning lit up the sky as heavy wind started to blow.

‘I call upon the Archangel Gabriel, master of waters and rain, to make open the way. I invoke you great grace of strength, spirit of truth and judgment your guidance will light the path of glory!’

Gabriel’s eyes lit up with power as his grace shone brightly, the dark flames slowly consumed and washed away. Lightning struck down, one after another and Dean knew he had to move away now. The last thing he saw was as lightning flared up around Gabriel, looking like they were his wings and it was enough of a sign, it was familiar enough for Dean to know that the invocation worked so he turned around. He started running up the pathway, just barked a short “C’mon” at Sam and it seemed like his younger brother was not in the mood to argue about that. When they were in the right distance - Gabriel repeated about thousand times how far he had to go - he stopped and got down onto the ground into the green grass, pulling his brother down along with him.

‘No matter what happens, keep your eyes closed!’ he shouted at him, because with the heavy wind and the thunderstorm above the lake it was hard to be heard. Sam looked at him for a moment, like he wanted to speak, but then he shut his eyes tightly. Dean did the same, after all this he could do nothing but wait. He did his part it was all up to Gabriel now.


Sam lost track of time, with his eyes closed and the sound of the storm around them he had no idea how much time passed, the rain started falling at one point, heavy cold drops of water hitting his skin and soaking his clothes almost instantly.

And then everything went silent, abruptly, like a switch was flipped. He wasn’t sure it was safe to open his eyes yet, but when he felt and heard that Dean moved he did it. His brother was already on his feet, so Sam stood up too. He couldn’t get a word out as Dean was already walking back towards the lakeside, every step a bit faster than the previous. When he could see the bank he started running, but Sam just stood there with wide eyes.

The sky already cleared up there was no fire, no storm or rain, the sun was up and morning sunlight glistered on the water-surface. Gabriel stood there, no longer shining with power; he fell to his knees a second before Dean reached him. Sam hurried down the pathway too. The dark god Urdung appeared next to Dean and the archangel before Sam got there. He too knelt down; he put a hand on Gabriel’s cheek, turning his face towards his own. He whispered quiet words and the angel nodded. Dean knelt right next to the angel too, seemingly supporting him. Urdung stood up after that. Dean and Gabriel also exchanged a few quiet words.

‘This managed to surprise me and I don’t easily get surprised’ heard Sam a cold voice not far away from them. He never saw the man before, but his sight sent a cold shiver down his spine. He was an old skinny man with dark hair; he wore a dark grey suit with a light-grey tie and a dark coat, he had a thin black cane in his hand and was looking at Gabriel with a particular expression on his face.

Gabriel went to stand up and after a frown Dean helped him. The man walked closer.

‘I may have to change my resolve about picking up strays if they are as resourceful as you are.’ Gabriel didn’t answer and neither did Dean, even the dark god was just watching as the man walked closer to the lakeside and gazed at the water calmly.

‘I admit I was doubtful when you said that you are capable of all that you have promised, but here we are, everything is perfectly done.’

He turned and walked closer to Dean and Gabriel; the archangel straightened up, but didn’t step away. The man stopped only two steps away from them.

‘Dean, it’s been a while’ he greeted, Dean nodded curtly. ‘And again’ the man mused while he kept his dark eyes on the hunter. ‘A surprise, certainly not the first concerning you, but still I expected Gabriel to be forced to use more drastic measures to drill my lessons into your head.’

‘Yeah well’ Dean cleared his throat. ‘He’s resourceful as you said.’

Sam just watched the man and tried to wrap his head around the conversation with not much luck, he had a suspicion of who the man could’ve been, but he didn’t dare to guess.

‘We had a deal’ said Gabriel and he sounded completely exhausted, his voice was wrecked and faint and he seriously looked like someone who might pass out any second and was only standing on his own feet by sheer willpower.

‘Indeed’ the man turned to him. ‘Still not being selfish?’ he asked. ‘Are you sure of your decision?’

‘Do you have a new offer?’ Gabriel asked in return.

‘No’ came the firm answer.

‘Then yes, I’m sure.’ Sam saw as Dean’s hand tightened around Gabriel’s arm at those words.

‘Very well’ the man told him as he stepped away. He raised his hand and he reached towards something until his hand disappeared into thin air. A moment later he started pulling back his arm. What Sam first saw was a small hand he held, but soon enough a girl stepped through seemingly from nothing or from wherever beyond the man had reached out.

She didn’t look more than nineteen or twenty to Sam, she had long gold-brown hair, almost blond and she wore a plain white dress. She looked around in confusion for a moment, but then her eyes widened when he looked at Dean and Gabriel.

‘Hel’ Gabriel said, his voice was barely above a whisper, but it was so quiet that Sam could hear him perfectly.

‘Go on child, you are free’ said the man and the girl tore away from him and ran. She didn’t stop until she was in Gabriel’s arms. The archangel held her tightly, stroking her hair. Gabriel didn’t or maybe couldn’t keep him and her up as they sank down to the ground. Sam saw as his brother tried to move, kneel down too, but then thought better of it and just stood there.

‘You paid for your life and her freedom, but not your own’ spoke the man again looking at Gabriel. The angel looked up at him, but didn’t let go of the girl in his arms.  ‘Like this you are still indebted to me.’

‘Understood’ Gabriel replied, sounding relieved even to Sam and the younger Winchester saw as his brother visibly relaxed after the last exchanged words too.

‘Dean, it was good seeing you again’ the man said as he looked at the hunter again.

‘Likewise’ Dean answered shortly, averting his eyes after looking at the man for a moment.

‘Urdung’ looked the man at the god.

‘A pleasure as always my Lord’ said the dark god as he bowed before him.

In the next blink the man was gone and the dark god moved closer to Gabriel, Dean and the girl. Dean turned.

‘I’ll see you later Sammy’ he said.

‘No, Dean wait… please…’ Sam reacted immediately. Dean looked down onto Gabriel and the girl for a second then he looked back at his brother.

‘I’m sorry, Sam. But not now’ he said. ‘I’ll come back’ was what he said last and Sam could only blink at the erupting flames around them, when he opened his eyes again they were gone. His brother once again gone, he still was torn and confused about everything, only his chest didn’t hurt as much as it did the last time he was left alone on a lakeside.

Part Four >>>

verse: numinous, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, supernatural

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