Non timebo mala

Mar 12, 2011 17:22

Title: Non timebo mala
Author: scyllaya 
Rating: NC-17
Characters and/or Pairing: Dean/Gabriel, Sam, Bobby and some surprise characters ;)
Spoilers: Up to 6.11, goes AU from there.
Warnings: cursing, graphic sexual content (male/male), bottom!Gabriel
Word Count: ~ 14 000
Summary: Sequel to Dies Irae. Dean and Gabriel prepare to finish what the archangel started while Sam and Bobby search desperately for the older Winchester brother.
Disclaimer: All names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Don’t sue me! =D
AN: This is the eighth and final story of my “ Numinous verse”. Un-betad, sorry for that. Ignore my mistakes please!


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Part Four

Dean would’ve never thought that it was possible for an archangel to pass out, but Gabriel did. The second they arrived back to the angel’s home, Dean told him the first time he was there that it was his super villain lair, because really: a luxurious place in a desert island in the middle of nowhere. Not like Dean didn’t like the place, on the contrary, but it was still pretty theatrical.

So Gabriel passed out so they dropped him down onto the bed and Hel just crawled up on top of the blankets and lay down facing him, silently staring at his face, obviously waiting for him to wake up. She didn’t speak a word since she showed up and Dean had no idea what to say to her especially since Gabriel was out. Urdung tapped his shoulder and gestured with his hand so Dean followed him out.

‘Gabriel exhausted his powers almost completely’ the god said when they were out of the bedroom. ‘It may take a few hours before he becomes aware of his surroundings again, but worry not, he is well.’

‘And um… Hel… is there anything I should be doing or something?’ he asked, because he sure had no idea what.

‘She does not know you, so maybe just let her be for a while. They did not see each other in centuries so it would be probably kind of you to give them some time when Gabriel wakes up.’

‘No problem’ that was easy, to wait until Gabriel woke up.

‘And before I forget’ he turned and reached inside of his coat. ‘I meant to give this to you.’

Dean automatically reached out for the object and was surprised when he saw what it was.

‘Umm… a ring?’ he asked while he looked at the traveler.

‘I can assure you it is not meant as a token of affection’ the god deadpanned and that made Dean laugh quietly. It was a silver ring not much wider than the one he used to wear for years. But this was not just some piece of silver, it had engravings all around.

‘The one ring to rule them all?’ he asked, because really he couldn’t leave that one out.

‘Hardly’ Urdung said after a small chuckle. ‘But many of my children are in this world, living their lives and given your… profession, I certainly don’t want any conflicts in case you happen to run into one of them. They will recognize you as our friend if you have this.’

Dean looked at the ring than at the god for a long second, he knew it exactly what a big deal it was when the Traveler offered friendship and the hunter was dumbfounded for a short time.

‘Thank you’ he said when he caught himself that he didn’t say anything. ‘Really, I’m grateful’ the ring slipped into his right ring finger smoothly, a perfect fit, but he was sure he won’t be using this one for opening beers. ‘And um… the good fortune, I never thanked you for that in person.’

‘That was nothing but a small gesture on my part, believe me, but you are welcome.’ Urdung put his hat on again. ‘Tell Gabriel that I would be very pleased to see him again soon.’

‘Yeah sure’ Dean nodded as the god turned around and walked out of the house. The hunter stood there for a while, but then felt hungry and since he had nothing better to do he headed to the kitchen.

One of the funny things about Gabriel’s place (villain lair) was that every room looked like a page from a catalogue and it was possible that the archangel just snapped all into reality from a freakin’ magazine, but Dean still liked it. He liked the black and white tiles and red armchair and black leather couch in the living room/kitchen. It was really way too 1960s with all the chrome on the chairs and the table, the mosaic-like walls, plastic-like furniture and the wooden kitchen cabinets, the strange looking lamps and of course the enormous paintings of chicks all around. Dean asked him why he liked all the retro stuff that much, but the angel just told him that those were fun years. Dean got used to it as it being part of Gabriel, just like the TV shows, pagan buddies, candy and the old issues of “Weekly World News” scattered around and on the coffee table and… Renfield. He thought when he heard the growl.

‘Hey you little bastard’ Dean greeted and the dog growled some more. And for a ridiculous little Jack Russell Terrier he could look pissed. Dean wasn’t convinced that he was a real dog, he had a deep suspicion that it was some nasty creature that Gabriel snapped into the form of a small dog so he could keep it as a pet and he was hundred percent sure that the little freak was out to get him. Not that the feeling was not mutual, because he had at least half dozen things on his “How to kill Renfield” list too. Sadly he was also sure that even if he managed to execute one of his brilliant plans Gabriel would just bring the bloodthirsty little snot back. On the other hand it was a reassuring thought that if Renfield managed to kill him first Gabriel would probably resurrect him too. Draw.

‘Yeah I hate you too’ he told the dog and that just barked back at him. ‘But guess what, you don’t have opposable thumbs so only I can open the fridge’ he grinned at him evilly and the dog stared back. Yeah he was trained on Castiel staring at him for minutes so no luck there pal. He might have spent way too much time doing the staring contest thing with him, but every time Renfield lost was a feeling of pure victory.

After he won the annual starting match he went to the fridge to make some food. He might’ve done everything slower than he usually would have, because even without Urdung telling him he knew exactly how long it was since Gabriel saw his daughter.

When Gabriel broke out this piece of information about what he was doing Dean was shocked to say the least, because he knew that there was a lot of stupid nonsense in mythology and he simply assumed this to be one of those. He of course asked about the others, because he might not like research, but he was good at his job and new basic mythology stuff like that so he knew there were others not just Hel, but Gabriel was very tight-lipped about the whole thing. The only thing Dean knew for sure that Hel was trapped while all the others were dead.

He didn’t know what happened to Gabriel’s sons, but the angel always became very still when asked and he always avoided to give straight answers. Dean stopped asking after the second time, because what happened was definitely not a cheerful story one tells while laughing and drinking beer. So Dean didn’t push it, he knew Gabriel would tell him eventually and there was no need to hurry. Maybe he too wasn’t sure whether he was ready to hear it or not.

He ate his breakfast - and gave some food to that little bastard too - but then he lay down onto the couch. He only meant to close his eyes for a bit, but he barely slept last night with all the things he knew would go down and all the tension finally eased out of him, they were done, things went well, Hel was out and Death didn’t take Gabriel back, so everything was good. Dean promptly slipped into sleep after a few minutes.


The first thought that ran through Dean’s head when he woke up was “Renfield didn’t kill me in my sleep”, that made him chuckle even before he opened his eyes. His second thought was Gabriel so he got up to check up on him. He stopped and hesitated for a moment when he heard talking from inside, but went in anyway.

Both Gabriel and Hel looked up at him.

‘Hey, sorry to interrupt’ He said, Gabriel looked sleepy, sort of tired and while Dean might’ve called him “cute” to tease him normally he kept the observation to himself this time. Hel on the other hand was looking at him searchingly and she stood up from the bed a moment later.

‘So’ she said as she walked closer, her voice was calm and soothing, not too deep, but also not as light and high as he would’ve expected from such a small and thin girl. ‘This is Dean’ she finished.

‘Yeah’ Dean answered and boy, he was just as tense as he imagined he would be.

‘My father tells me you’re more than a pretty face’ she continued.

‘Nah, he totally just tries to make me look better. I would say I’m just the muscle, but that would be a load of bull considering this whole “human” thing I got going.’ He heard that Gabriel laughed quietly from his spot on the bed watching the exchange.

‘A pretty face with an attitude then’ Hel told him. ‘Do I need to make a detailed, creative description of all the horrible, painful things I will do to you if you betray the trust my father has in you?’ she asked, while staring at him without blinking, but again Dean was used to that.

‘Nope, message is loud and clear’ he told her with a charming smile.

‘Good’ she said, she stepped him aside and left the room.

‘This is the second threat I get on your behalf’ Dean told the angel as he started walking towards the bed.


‘Cas’ Dean explained and that made the archangel laugh again. ‘Speaking of, did he get Balthazar yet?’ Dean asked.

‘Set and Eris just delivered him locked, bound and wrapped up with a bow for Castiel’ Gabriel informed him. And Dean was still surprised at how Cas handled this all, because while he was not openly against Gabriel’s ritual he also didn’t really want to get involved, but they needed Heaven’s attention to be elsewhere, and trust Castiel to ask a favor in exchange for a favor, the sneaky little bastard. Gabriel explained it to him that if some angels asked unwanted questions this way Castiel would be able to say that he did everything for capturing Balthazar and getting back the Heavenly weapons. And Dean saw how most angels would be willing to get behind that explanation, so like he said, Cas was a sneaky bastard, but everybody won with that arrangement so there was no need to complain. And he bet that douche Balthazar did not expect some “insignificant little pagans” to kick his ass, but Dean met Eris and while she was freakin hot she was also one dangerous little thing. Earth was the gods playing field and Balthazar was still a new player around here.

Dean dropped himself down to the bed next to Gabriel. The angel surprised him when he unceremoniously flopped down half on top of Dean, using him as a big pillow.

‘Tired?’ he asked while he chuckled and moved to get into a more comfortable position, Gabriel just moved closer, now really lying half on top of him, his head on his chest, his arm thrown over Dean’s torso.

‘I feel like that stupid regular bunny in the Duracell commercials’ Gabriel mumbled and Dean burst out laughing.

‘You did not just compare yourself to a bunny’ Dean said while trying to stop laughing.

‘Shut up’ Gabriel mumbled again against his chest. The angel was obviously not used to being tired.

‘Ok, but really, how you feelin’?’ Dean asked when he managed to stop laughing.

‘Drained, but ok. Seems like the extra grace will take up permanent residence though, I can feel it.’

‘That good or bad, it’s not gonna make your vessel explode or anything, right? Because man, it would be a bitch getting used to a new you.’

‘No threat like that, this is my true vessel it can hold me even if my power increased’ Gabriel was still just mumbling most of the words so Dean seriously expected him to be out again soon. When there was silence for a few minutes he thought that he really fell asleep, but then Gabriel spoke again.

‘Do you want to stay here with us for a while?’ he asked.

‘Yeah, sure’ Dean answered almost without thinking.

‘Sam’s waiting for you’ Gabriel reminded him.

‘Sam’s a big boy, he can wait’ Dean answered.

‘You’re gonna miss him’ Gabriel said and it was not a question they both knew that.

‘Yeah, but I won’t regret this’ Dean said with certainty. ‘If Sam needs me, I can still be there for him.’

‘I never expected you to choose me’ Gabriel admitted.

‘Well, you didn’t ask me to choose, only wanted what I could give’ Dean answered and he knew that it was one of the things that mattered to him much.

‘That’s why?’ the archangel asked.

‘Yeah’ Dean answered. ‘That and you’re really-really awesome in bed’ he finished with a smirk that the angel couldn’t see, but surely could hear in his voice. Gabriel’s laugh sounded tired, but it was definitely delighted.

Epilogue >>>

verse: numinous, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, supernatural

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