Non timebo mala

Mar 12, 2011 17:17

Title: Non timebo mala
Author: scyllaya 
Rating: NC-17
Characters and/or Pairing: Dean/Gabriel, Sam, Bobby and some surprise characters ;)
Spoilers: Up to 6.11, goes AU from there.
Warnings: cursing, graphic sexual content (male/male), bottom!Gabriel
Word Count: ~ 14 000
Summary: Sequel to Dies Irae. Dean and Gabriel prepare to finish what the archangel started while Sam and Bobby search desperately for the older Winchester brother.
Disclaimer: All names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Don’t sue me! =D
AN: This is the eighth and final story of my “ Numinous verse”. Un-betad, sorry for that. Ignore my mistakes please!


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Part Two

Sam and Bobby were searching for days after Dean disappeared at the Devils Lake and not surprisingly, there was no sign of him. No matter which one of his numbers he called he didn’t even get a voicemail, just a pleasant female voice telling him that the number he tried to call is out of service. Sam wanted to smash his own cell to the wall when he heard the same automatic answer for the third time. It seemed like Dean didn’t even want to give him a chance.

Well they obviously would’ve tried to find Dean by the GPS in his phone if they could’ve so probably that was the reason why none of his phones were working. It left Sam with the thought that his brother was either still close to them or he planned to return.

Bobby wanted to focus on the symbol Gabriel apparently managed to finish. When he and Rufus arrived to Greys Lake is was soon obvious to them that whatever supernatural presence was there it was already long gone, left only the confused police and some mourning relatives. By Dean’s words the last focus of the symbol was done by him at Devils Lake so Bobby didn’t understand why nothing went down so far, but as far as he could tell - and Rufus was out checking out some of the towns involved - everything was quiet.

That gave more reason for Sam to focus on finding his brother, but he had nowhere to start. He was close to doing a summoning spell for Gabriel, but Bobby quickly talked him out of it, the archangel was not stupid and even if he was forced to appear they won’t be able to trap him or wound him, mostly because all the holy oil they had was in the Impala’s trunk and that disappeared along with Dean. Sam still had the witch-knife from Ruby, but no angel blades and no nothing. The only thing they could do to an angel was banishing it and that wouldn’t have helped them one bit.

So Sam was frustrated to say the least, but after three days Bobby managed to get him to work on the meaning of the symbol instead. The older hunter pointed out that since Dean was involved in it maybe if they figure out what Gabriel’s gameplan was they will know where to look for Dean.

Sam tried his best to focus at the task at hand, to bury himself in research trying to find out more, but sometimes he couldn’t do anything but stop as the image of his brother turning around and walking away came into his mind. Dean never turned his back on him. Dean didn’t trust him and they got separated (at Sam’s suggestion) after Lucifer rose and it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with him anymore, but it was him who called again offered to team up and fight together. This… this felt different. Dean wasn’t desperate with an apocalypse looming over their heads; he wasn’t deeply hurt or betrayed. He was calm and certain, he talked with a conviction he usually reserved to the people and things he believed in with absolute certainty. Sam didn’t want to think about it, but as the days passed and he replayed their last conversation in his head over and over again, he couldn’t help but feel that Gabriel managed to get something Heaven almost desperately wanted for two years, Dean Winchester’s loyalty. And love, Sam reminded himself bitterly, he knew it was true even if he hated it, Gabriel had his brother’s love as well.

He still couldn’t believe that Dean would side with someone else but him. Dean was always there and Sam’s chest clenched painfully at the possibility that he won’t be anymore. He almost desperately clung to the thought that Gabriel did something to his brother to get him on his side, because he couldn’t allow himself to think of the other option, that his brother was finally - maybe rightfully after everything - abandoning him. He didn’t even know what he might’ve done to him while he didn’t have his soul but he didn’t try to get to the memories, it was too dangerous, he knew that now and if something happened again this time there would be no archangel flying in to fix him.

Sam’s been staring at the map and the symbol and at books way too long. But they didn’t even know where to start. Did it have anything to do with heaven and the angels? Not like the way too enormous Gabriel-lore could be in any way helpful. Gabriel had tricksters with him, they were sure of that. The name “Coyote” and “Raven” were easily recognizable so Sam assumed that the others who were in Bobby’s house for a few days were probably some sort of gods as well. That took Sam to Norse Mythology, most info on “Loki” was not new for him, and he didn’t like the new information he found one bit, because aside from the few tales of adventures and banters all other texts were about deadly jokes, mythical monsters and Ragnarök. In any other situation he would’ve found it interesting how Gabriel and Loki were both considered as the signalers of the end of the world - probably not a coincidence - but this time he just snorted. He was 99% sure that no matter what Dean would never help Gabriel do his own little pagan apocalypse, he was also pretty sure that Gabriel would not want to do it himself, but he only put that around 60% because everything considered he still thought that he was a grade-A bastard.

So aside from the tremendous amount of information, myths and lore on Gabriel and Loki that could’ve filled up a smaller library they had jack squat. Even the symbol didn’t help, because just its form without any symbols didn’t tell what it was for. Sam’s eyes widened when he realized it.

‘I got it!’ he exclaimed. Bobby looked up from his own book. ‘The symbol… it’s unfinished.’

‘What do you mean unfinished, your brother said--’

‘That he finished the last focus, the towns. It’s just dots Bobby, we linked the dots together to see the symbol, but it’s not there, we just have the focus points. No lines, no symbols… it’s the frame.’

‘They need a ritual’ Bobby concluded. And Sam blamed them being worried about Dean that they didn’t think of this sooner. They had to activate it, whatever it was, because only the focus-points were nothing and since they couldn’t exactly draw giant lines over nine states they had to make a spell or a ritual to make the symbol real.

Bobby and Sam spread the map on the desk to look at the symbol again.

‘Would they have to do it in the centre?’ Sam asked. ‘Worthington?’ That was where Gabriel got rid of the water sprites in the Okabena Lake.

‘Not necessarily’ Bobby answered. ‘Maybe at the point of the last focus, maybe at the first or maybe it doesn’t matter they just have to be inside the outer lines.’

‘Okay, so if it’s a ritual, what are they waiting for? It’s been almost a week.’

‘Rituals sometimes need to be done at a specific date.’

‘The Spring Equinox was a few days ago’ Sam said. ‘Is there any other significant pagan date around this time?

‘Nothing in the next few weeks’ Bobby answered. ‘I doubt they would wait that long.’

‘Then what? No full moon, no new moon’ Sam kept roaming his mind and he was about to go back to his laptop when Bobby groaned and looked up at the ceiling, clearly annoyed.

‘It’s nothing pagan. Tomorrow is the 26th of March’ the older hunter said, Sam just frowned at him in confusion. ‘That’s the day of the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel.’

‘I don’t remember that holiday from Pastor Jim’ Sam said with a frown.

‘Because it’s an Orthodox feast day, but it still means that millions of people will be praying to him, invoke his name and worship him. Call me crazy, but that sounds just like the perfect time for him to do some heavy spell work.’

‘But how does that add up with all the pagan deities involved in this?’ Sam questioned.

‘Maybe he just asked his buddies to help him out’ Bobby said. ‘Or it is a pagan ritual, but it doesn’t matter how he boosts his powers.’

‘Okay, we have the date, but that doesn’t give us the location, just that we almost ran out of time’ Sam said in a frustrated tone. ‘There’s gotta be a reason he involved the pagans’ he said after a moment. ‘For something he couldn’t do alone, maybe with the doors or the preparations.’

‘What doors?’ Bobby asked.

‘That’s what Dean said. He opened the last door’ Sam repeated. ‘I told you that.’

‘No you didn’t ya idjit’ grumbled Bobby. ‘If the focus-points of the symbols are doors’ the older hunter murmured being deep in thought. ‘The stranger, the one Dean left with. What did he look like?’ he asked suddenly. Sam thought about it for a second.

‘He was tall, almost my height. I didn’t see his face as he was wearing some sort of a hat. Long dark overcoat, that’s about it. He and Dean definitely knew each other. And he appeared in those dark blue flames, and he and Dean walked back into it before they disappeared. I definitely told you that before.’

‘Yes, but now that I know that bit about the door…’ Bobby trailed off as he walked to one of his bookshelves obviously looking for something, after a few moments he pulled a big leather-bound book out and opened it. ‘Something like this?’ he asked then he put the book down in front of Sam, now opened. On the right side were some types of runes Sam couldn’t read, but on the left side was a picture, a copper engraving that showed a man in a long dark coat or cloak, he had a wide-brimmed hat on his head and he was encircled with flames. Some of the flames were shown as they were transforming into wild looking black foxes baring their teeth.

‘Yeah, exactly… minus the foxes’ he added and Bobby cursed under his breath. ‘Who is this?’ Bobby ran a hand down his face.

‘Someone big if it’s really him’ the older hunter replied. ‘He’s called Urdung and before people gave that title to Lucifer, he was the one to be called The Devil.’

‘What?’ Sam couldn’t hide the shock from his voice.

‘He’s a pagan god’ Bobby continued. ‘One of the very old ones, a creator god, which makes him more powerful than your average deity, but when you see him like that… he’s also known as the Dark Traveler’ he put a finger on the picture. ‘He walks the earth and it’s his habit to make bets with humans to see if they become corrupted, when they pass his test he rewards them if they fail they get punished. Some worshipped him as some kind of a Guardian Spirit, who brings good luck or bad luck to humans, everyone gets what he thinks they deserve.’

‘Like a trickster’ Sam concluded.

‘Exactly’ Bobby agreed. ‘But he’s more than that’ he continued. ‘He can be summoned and he’s always willing to seal a deal, but he doesn’t ask for the soul, but for the human’s child.’

‘He takes children?’

‘He grants a wish and comes back seven years later and takes the youngest child of the human he sealed a deal with.’

‘Shit!’ Sam cursed. ‘How can Dean--’

‘That’s not all’ Bobby interrupted him. ‘Lore says he is the Lord of his Lands, the absolute king of his own realm. People assumed him to be the Lord or the Underworld, but we know that Hell is not the place where pagan gods hang out.’

‘You think that’s where the doors lead, his realm?’ Sam asked.

‘Or just one of the doors’ Bobby said. ‘There were sprites in Worthington, maybe Gabriel let a door open when he shoved their asses back to their own world. The thing is that we don’t know what could be out there at this point. Those doors could lead anywhere, places we never even heard of and this guy… he’s bad news.’ The hunter said as he tapped the picture of Urgung in the book again.

‘A trickster god that has to be paid with children, so I figured that.’

‘Ya think?’ Bobby asked and turned a page in the book. Sam looked down, one side was again covered in the same runes, but the picture in the other side was different. It showed a pitch-black faun, with long claws and horns.

‘What is this?’ Sam asked.

‘Same guy’ Bobby answered. ‘When he’s pissed. He usually doesn’t kill humans. The only way to really anger him is if you mess with his kids, you harm one of those and you’ll have to face his fury and he is capable of every nasty thing you can possibly imagine from someone who’s labeled as a Devil. And his kids are the children he took. And guess what…’ Bobby turned a few pages in the book; there were only small pictures in the corners when he finally found the page he was looking for. ‘No longer men, but not devils themselves, spoiled, clever mischievous creatures of chaos, playful and delighted by disobeying rules and playing with men and women alike. Does that sound familiar to you?’

‘Tricksters’ Sam said. ‘What’s that supposed to mean, this guy’s like the big daddy Trickster? Father of all?’ Sam asked.

‘Not every one of them, tricksters are dime a dozen all around the globe, from full-fledged pagan gods to demigods and animal spirits, but yes many of them are, probably most, and from what I understand from the texts, after all the time they spend on the other side with their new loving father who wraps them in his power, almost soaking them in magic and protection, when they come back they’re closer to demigods than humans.’

‘So they come over to mess with humans, but if you harm them daddy comes and kills you, very nice.’

‘Well, he’s a dangerous one I give you that even if mostly only to humans who commit evil. Anyways, we can find’ Bobby added after a beat of silence.

‘We can?’

‘If it’s really him and he’s helping Gabriel with all this then he probably will be there when the ritual goes down and for humans he is easy to find when he’s in this world.’

‘Good, then let’s find him’ Sam said with absolute conviction. Gabriel alone was a bigger threat than anything so a big shot pagan god didn’t really matter in Sam’s opinion at this point.

Part Three >>>

verse: numinous, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, supernatural

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