Can’t write, want to write.

May 13, 2011 19:28

Originally posted @
I can’t seem to write at the moment, and I think it’s mostly down to my mood, or the complete erratic pattern of my moods. I’m normally more stable than this, much more, I can keep a straight head for days without any real depression setting in. The anxiety is mostly daily, but the depression, it mostly warded off.

Not right now.

Currently my mood is, out of control, up and down, and down again, then up. It’s horrible and I don’t exactly know why it started to be so erratic, but over the past couple of weeks, there has been no stability.

And now I can’t seem to write.

Part of it, isn’t just my crappy mad moods, but I’ve suddenly turned into a self-conscious writer. All the books about writing, all the advice, all the things about what to do and what not to do as a writer has gotten in my head and now I’m questioning every bloody sentence.

Am I telling or showing? Is this necessary? Is this too much or too little description?

Every word is a minefield.

So I’ve decided to ignore everything I’ve read and go back to writing. All that stuff I’ll remember in the edit, for the edit, but as for the initial out pour of words, screw it, I’ll write what I write, however badly I get it out.

Cause I don’t need extra words in my head.

mental health stuff, writing

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