Some random thoughts as I slowly make my way through Season 5. (Yes, I'm watching S5 now, after watching the first half of S6 and scattered eps from Season 10. Pretend I'm a Time Lord.)
1) Jonathan Kent bugs me way less upon re-watch than I thought he would. It might be that I've now seen what Clark is like without his dad, seen Clark step up and be like Jonathan in the best possible ways, and therefore seen all the best sides of Jonathan instead of just the worst sides of him.
1a) It's really too bad we never got to see Jonathan meet Oliver Queen. Despite their very different backgrounds (bootstrapping farmer vs spoon-fed billionaire CEO) and their assumed political affiliations (Heartland conservative vs bleeding heart liberal), I think if they sat down and thrashed out what their true values were, they'd find themselves aligned in surprising ways. Not the breaking-the-law bits, obviously, but certainly believing in empowering the ordinary man, of investing in local communities, etc. Also, using the gifts one has for the benefit of others.
2) I'm liking early S5 Lana a bit more. She'll never be a favourite, but I'm starting to see her POV more. From her perspective, Clark is behaving very erratically--he blows hot and cold, and goes back on his word.
3) Tom Welling continues to surprise me. I especially enjoy his comedic timing. He still needs to work on those pensive stares, though. That, or the show really needs to stop lingering on reaction shots. (Maybe a bit of both.)
4) The Chloe & Lois investigative team of awesome continues to be, well, AWESOME. I love these two so much! They're as much sisters and best friends as cousins. Bechdel Test FTW!
5) I'm working really hard to not see James Marsters, the actor, whenever he's on screen. No luck so far!
ETA: More of a Season 6 and onwards thought, but Oliver and Chloe would probably get along *disturbingly well* with the Leverage team, whereas Clark and Lois would not. On a shallow level I kinda get why the SV writers/producers seem to think that kind of shady justice is "cooler" than boring old Superman's truth, justice, and obey-the-speed-limit way. On a not-so-shallow level, the Leverage MO of ends justifying means is incredibly problematic once you start looking at ripple effects.
I prefer
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