Two quick things:
1) I've been posting a
30 Days of Tamora Pierce meme over on
tortall in an effort to generate more activity and discussion on the comm for Three Weeks For Dreamwidth.
If you're a fan of the female-centric YA fantasy novels by Tamora Pierce, whether you only read the Tortall books or the Emelan books, please come join us and share your answers to the meme! If you've got fan art or fanfic to share, please post them at
tortall as well! The more, the merrier, right?
(Sorry for the cross-post if you're subscribing to
2) I'm very, very tempted to buy Smallville DVDs. However, from the reviews I've been reading, there have been many ups and downs over the years. There aren't a lot of episode commentaries or DVD extras. Depending on the characters or relationships I care about, I might be disappointed.
Maybe you guys can help me out? I'm a fan of Clark, Lois, Oliver, and Chloe (when the show acknowledges her flaws) and hypothetically a Supergirl fan (I haven't seen S7 yet). I ship Clark/Lois, Clark/Oliver, and Lois/Oliver. I love the Clark-Chloe team-up and the Chloe-Lois Bechdel Test FTW team-up. What little I've seen of Tess seems pretty interesting. Fwiw, I don't particularly care about villains.
So which DVD season set(s) do you think I should buy?
View poll: #6891 (Or if you don't want to vote in the Dreamwidth poll, just leave a comment on LJ.)
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