Bwhahahahah! Found through
Apparently, there's more than one way you can do statistics. And we, in the Netherlands, are doing it all wrong. Which is why we would have lower homicide per X number of people percentages, and lower drug-related deaths per X number of people percentages, than the US.
Or wait, perhaps it's because we are with less people total*, so yeah, of course the percentages per X number of inhabitants would be lower. Totally makes sense.
Don't believe me? Believe Fox News (vs. Amsterdam) in the clip below.
Click to view
I think I sorta should feel insulted or something, if not for the sheer and utter stupidity displayed on these "fair and accurate" fear-mongering propaganda "news" clips. It's hard to feel affronted by righteous morons when you just want to pat 'em on the head and give 'em an ice cream cone so they'll shut up, right?
*Although with every questionable person in Europe heading our way, that should be fixed soon, right?
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