OMG So Much Pr0n!

Feb 16, 2012 20:39

I guess I can say I had a good writing day when I've managed to crank out 3,000 words of soft pr0n, huh? Even if it's somewhat contextless and I have no clue where or how to fit it in with the grander story -- which is also as of yet mostly plotless except it'll talk about the Awesomest Bromance Eva!

But I have to say, after giving up (at least for now) on the Story That Defeated me*, this is the most fun with writing I've had in a very long time. I guess the muse likes unapologetic id-fic, eh?

* Story: 30 y/o back story for two characters, one a Scottish lad, the other an Irish gal, set in Belfast against a backdrop of the Northern Irish 1980s Troubles, and including gun smuggling and motor cycle clubs

Me: ESL who is far more versed in Amerislang than any other branch of English.

Result: match made in hell.

I've given up on other stories before, but that was usually because I lost interest and couldn't be bothered to fix the issues with it. In this case, I still like the plot outline I have for it; I just don't think I'm the right person to write it.

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fanfic, writerly thoughts

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