Bullet points style
- I cannot believe I posted 21 Jericho stories already (and I wrote a half dozen or so more, but none of them are fit for publishing yet)!
- Some anonymous author wrote me awesome Supernatural fic in the spn_summergen ficathon. Summary: Sam was making his way through the endless fields of Iowa when the cassette player in the Impala finally gave out with a loud crackle of static.
- Writing is still hard, except when the muses made a brief appearance to bring Second Person Narration fic for cliche_bingo, and a Beck/Jake slash AU....! WTF, brain? (Anyone misplaced their slash muse? Cause that one sure as hell ain't mine!)
- There is a ridiculous amount of windmill photos up on Flickr.... Guess now I understand why windmills are part of our tourism tropes.
- The health care debate over in the US scares me.
- Work was crazy last week, but boss's boss was happy with the brainstorming session we ran, so yay!
- More importantly, I have two weeks of holiday now!!!! And will visit B in Germany next week!! SQUEE!
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