Mar 04, 2008 21:27
wow...i come on here for the first time sence september last year, and the entry i last put fits in perfectly with my life....
except at that stage, i didnt have james (my english boyfriend)almost fiance....
i hadnt gone to the uk for 7 weeks..and i hadnt planned on moving to the uk asap.
i still lived in ascot vale, where id been living for the last 7 years minimum...
i have a whole different set of "friends"...but the rules are still the same.....only thing so, theres 2 ppl i trust friend and how things change.
cant wait to move to the uk.....forget about australia. and who i am.
become a om and just forget samantha williams.
samanha bowman, here i come......
though i rekon im gonna fuck it up again....i cant do that... but... we'll see.
he loves me, and i love him. but is love enough????