Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy -Then There Were Four - WIP - NC-17 - Part Four

Mar 27, 2006 09:33

Title: Then There Were Four (Part Four)
Author: screaminglungs
Rating: NC-17 in previous parts, this PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco with a side order of Ron/Hermione and others.
Summary: Draco comes home from Hermione's house utterly furious at Harry one day for discussing their future and not consulting him. This starts a chain of events which will change their family life forever.
Warnings: MPREG!
Info: This is a multi-chaptered fic from the Snuffles Universe and all other parts can be read at my journal.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Draco looked down and smiled happily at the sight of his young son playing happily with Hermione’s daughter on the rug in front of the young Weasley couple’s fireplace. Hannah was almost three now and she was terribly protective over Alex, especially when her twin brother got a little rough with the smaller boy.

He felt a squeeze to his hand that lay on the table in front of him and he brought himself back to the conversation he and Harry were having with Hermione over Saturday breakfast.

“I was just telling Hermione about our Trip to Severus’ last weakened,” Harry prompted making exaggerated gestures with his eyebrows; it was his way of asking permission to tell their friends about their news. Hermione smiled knowingly between the two of them as Ron bustled into the room carrying a teapot in one hand while their son Mark squirmed in his other arm.

“You’re not going to have another child are you Draco?” Ron raised his eyebrows at his wife’s question and set Mark down next to Alex and his sister, he put the tea pot in the middle of the table and kissed his wife’s forehead as he took his seat. Harry smiled softly at his friends. They fought all the time but at the end of the day they loved one another dearly.

Draco watched the threesome of children on the rug and frowned as Mark immediately snatched a toy from Alex’ little hand. The little boy’s face crumpled as he looked between his empty hand and the toy now sitting in Mark’s. He was about to get up and berate the older boy when Hannah snatched the toy back and gave it to Alex, she really was her mother’s daughter. Alex looked up at her as if she had given him the world, Draco smiled fondly.

“Draco are you listening?” Harry asked sounding exasperated, he was obviously anxious to tell his friends.

“Yes sorry, and no Hermione I won’t be the one to get pregnant,” Draco smiled evilly over at Harry. Ron gaped at them while Hermione shared a similar look to Draco.

“No way mate you’re not really going to go through with this are you?” Ron laughed, but stopped abruptly when he realised nobody was laughing with him. “You’re serious; you’re really going to get up the duff?” Harry rolled his eyes at his ever eloquent friend.

“Yes Ron I’m going to be the one carrying our next child, why’s that so hard to believe?” Harry frowned and Draco reached over and took his hand.

“Well I guess its because I’ve always seen Draco as the woman in your relationship so it wasn’t a big deal when he was having Alex,” Ron’s eyes bugged as if he couldn’t believe what he had just said, Hermione slapped hard on the arm while it was Harry’s turn to return the evil grin to his blonde husband.

“Nice Weasley, really nice,” Draco sneered but there was no malice behind his haughtiness, he knew that Ron had a big mouth and over the years he had gotten used to it. The man just didn’t have that mechanism that stopped whatever came into his head from falling put of his mouth and Draco accepted that now.

“I’ll have you know Ron that Draco is very much a man,” Harry chuckled and took Draco’s hand in his, kissing the back of it before winking at Ron.

“So why are you having the baby?” Hermione interrupted the childish banter.

“Well you know how strong those potions were Hermione and not to mention the fact that the male body isn’t designed to carry a child,” Hermione nodded along, the whole process of Draco getting pregnant had fascinated her at the time and now she was going to get to watch it all over again.

“Severus didn’t think it was a good idea that I carried another baby, he thought it might cause irreparable damage to my body,” Draco continued. “So Harry offered,” Draco squeezed Harry’s hand and smiled beatifically at his husband.

“Well then good on you mate stepping up to the plate and all that,” Ron smiled as Hermione rolled her eyes.

“Not like you’d ever offer,” Ron looked at his wife with raised eyebrows.

“Yes darling, thank goodness you’re around,” Ron wasn’t going to argue, he wouldn’t offer. He had seen his beautiful, intelligent wife turn into this hysterical, irrational monster during her pregnancy with the twins, there weren’t enough galleons in Gringots to get him to do that. He leant in and pressed another kiss to her cheek and she smiled.

Alex crawled across the room towards his parents and Harry smiled down at him when he felt a tug at his trouser leg. He looked down at the disarmingly silver eyes of his child and scooped him up and into his lap. Alex settled back against Harry’s chest like he was sitting on a comfortable armchair. Harry carded his fingers through his baby’s hair while still holding Draco’s hand.

“You know you’re sickeningly cute sometimes?” Hermione chuckled as she sipped at a cup of Earl Grey.

“Well Granger we do try,” Draco drawled and smiled over at his partner and son, even after all these years he still called her Granger when he was being haughty. Hermione simply smirked at him.

“When are you going to tell everyone else about the baby?” Harry and Draco exchanged looks they hadn’t actually discussed it, telling Hermione and Ron was a given but they hadn’t thought about everyone else.

“I guess we’ll tell Remus when he comes over for dinner tomorrow,” Harry looked at Draco for confirmation and his blonde husband nodded.

“But I think everyone else will have to wait until we’re sure Harry is going to be fine,” Draco smiled weakly at Harry, they both knew that there was a chance that their first attempt wouldn’t work and they didn’t want to have the added pressure of their friends pestering them about it all the time.

“Sounds good to me, we won’t tell Mum or anything,” Ron teased; they all knew how Molly got over the prospect of more Grandchildren (or the very next best thing).

“Why don’t you invite Severus over tomorrow as well?” Hermione asked casually and Ron raised and eyebrow at here, a gesture neither Harry nor Draco missed.

“What was that look about?” Draco enquired as he sipped on his Earl Grey.

“Ignore her, she has some ridiculous notion that Severus and Remus would be good together,” Ron smirked as Draco choked on his tea.

“You have to be joking, right?” Harry snorted. “They absolutely loathe one another!”

“Oh yes and that’s always been a huge factor to consider when two people have gotten together hasn’t it,” Draco rolled his eyes at Hermione’s sarcasm.

“Draco and I are different; they have a whole life time of reasons to hate one another, not just some petty schoolboy shit like we did,”

“Oh yes attempting to kill one another in sixth year was petty schoolboy stuff, sure,” Hermione grinned. “Besides they’re both single, they’re both lonely I think it would be a good idea!”

“Severus would have my balls on a platter for even suggesting it!” Draco snorted with laughter but as the four of them grew silent the blonde haired wizard considered it. He really would love to see his Godfather happy.

“We don’t exactly have to tell him Remus is coming tomorrow do we? And he did fire call us last night to tell us the potions were almost ready, we could kill two birds with one stone,” Harry winked at Draco and the blonde haired man made a mental note to invite Severus to come over early the next day.


Severus arrived early the next afternoon so that they could begin preparing Harry for what he would have to go through over the next few months. He stepped out of the living room hearth and smiled down at Alex who didn’t even flinch as he suddenly appeared out of the flames.

Draco welcomed him with a hug, Harry a handshake as was customary and they settled down to talk about what would be the next step. Severus sat closest to the fire in his usual choice of arm chair and opened the bag in front of him which reminded Harry of the kind Muggle doctors used to carry their supplies and he began to pull out a series of objects. There was a test-tube rack filled with five tubes containing a lilac potion which he sat on the coffee table in front of them and then decided otherwise as Alex’s face lit up at the sight of something interesting finally put where he could reach; a calendar which he sat on Draco’s lap and a small work book which he opened.

“Harry you will take the first of the five potions today while you’re eating, if you take it on an empty stomach you will be sick,” Severus said hurriedly as he read through a list of things in the work book that he had to tell the younger men.

“Then you will take the remaining four at exactly the same time every day,” Severus pointed to the calendar where there were five little purple flashing dots already marked for today and the following four days. “An alarm will go off at each time, and then on that day you will attempt to conceive,” Harry smiled; the slight colour rising in the older man’s sallow cheeks was not lost on him.

“Then in exactly four weeks you will take a pregnancy test and from there we will decide on the next course of action and how to continue with the remaining four potions,” As Severus stopped he noticed Draco rolling his eyes and he scowled. “And why exactly are you rolling your eyes at me?”

“Severus we’ve heard this all before, do you think we’ve forgotten! This isn’t the first time we’ve done this or did you forget about the little monster on the carpet?” Draco chuckled and they all looked down at Alex who was tugging on a loose thread in the rug, completely oblivious to their attention.

“That is precisely why I am being so cautious Mr Malfoy, because you havereally should have told me,” Remus took a step back towards the hearth and stumbled on another brick.

“Don’t be silly Remus, you’re perfectly welcome, Severus stop being such a grump,” Draco snapped at his godfather and gestured Remus into a chair, missing the murderous look he received. Remus smiled gratefully and took the other arm chair which flanked the sofa Harry and Draco were perched on. Alex remained on the floor, Remus smiled down at the baby, he looked so much like his fathers it was startling, and yet when he looked at the baby smile happily he saw James, Sirius was there too, in those grey eyes every Black seemed to have. Remus was fond of Alex; he was the closest the older man would ever have to a grandchild. Severus coughed and Remus was forced to draw his attention away from Alex and for the first time he noticed the potions sitting around the three men.

“As I was saying,” Severus gave a pointed look of annoyance towards Remus and plucked the first test tube from the rack. “You shall take this while we’re eating lunch.”

“Is somebody ill?” Remus asked his brow furrowed in concern, he ignored the older Slytherin’s eye roll.

“No Remus far from it, we meant to tell you sooner but we haven’t had a chance to see you, we’re going to have another child,” Harry beamed. Remus smiled back softly, the boy looked so happy, sitting there with his husband, and their child playing on the floor. Who’d have thought that after such an unorthodox beginning Harry would go on to have such a strong and happy family, experiences such as he had had were enough to scar one for life.

“Gosh, well congratulations boys, really,” Remus smiled warmly and reached out and took Draco’s hand in his and squeezed. It was his way of thanking the other man for making Harry so happy, the man in front of him was a far cry from that angry boy who he had known after Sirius died.

“Thank you Remus that means a lot,” Draco said softly.

“Well there is nothing to congratulate yet is there, save the congratulations Lupin until we know that Harry can carry the child,” Severus snorted and looked at Remus as if he were the most idiotic individual he had ever had the misfortune to meet. Remus smiled weakly, ignoring Severus’ normally acidic tongue.

Lunch went far more smoothly than Harry had hoped, Severus was his usual sarcastic and often rude self but Remus seemed to take everything he said in his stride. Harry thought sadly that whatever Severus threw at him Remus wasn’t anything the older man had never heard before. He took the potion with his meal while Draco fed pieces of dinner roll to Alex who made the most hilarious faces as he tried to process the idea of trying to chew the food which was tougher than banana. After they ate Harry was even surprised to see the two older men settle on the floor with Alex to play, they were mostly silent when they weren’t talking to the baby but the young men shared a knowing look. They both knew it was far better than shouting and screaming and drawn wands.

Comments are wonderful :-D

wip, mpreg, snuffles, harry/draco, then there were four

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