Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy -Then There Were Four - WIP - NC-17

Feb 12, 2006 11:35

Okay, so I've decided to take my lovely parent!Harry and Draco with baby Alex into multi-chapter land instead of the series of one shots I've been writing. *fingers crossed you'll all like*

Title: Then There Were Four (Part One)
Author: screaminglungs
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco with a side order of Ron/Hermione and others.
Summary: Draco comes home from Hermione's house utterly furious at Harry one day for discussing their future and not consulting him.
Warnings: MPREG!
Info: This is the same universe as Worry, Nuptials Snuffles, Tickles, Scared, Possessive and Happy Sunday, so although this would make sense I'd recommend you read one or two of these at least to get up t speed with were Draco and Harry are at. thank you to d3m0liti0n

Draco was seething by the time he got home. He was carrying Alex asleep on one shoulder, and the baby’s changing bag hanging on the other as he wrestled with the front door of their house. He finally got it open, dropping the bag and kicking the door shut behind him. He carried Alex upstairs whispering soothing words to him as he slipped in and out of consciousness because of Draco’s jostling. He laid the baby down and stood over him for moment to make sure he would not wake, before storming out of the room in search of his dark haired husband.

Harry was sat in their dining room at the head of the table with his feet propped up on another one of the chairs around the table as he read the newspaper. He was wearing nothing but a pair of torn jeans and a black t-shirt. In his relaxed state Harry was not prepared for the whirlwind in which Draco was when in a temper, entering the room.

Draco slammed the door to the dining room behind him, forgetting briefly of their sleeping child up stairs. He couldn’t help himself, he was absolutely livid. Harry looked up at him with a start and frowned at Draco’s obvious distress.

“Draco, are you…”

“How dare you! Harry Potter, how dare you!” Draco slammed his hand on the table in front of Harry making him jump.

“What have I done?” Harry moved back as Draco got closer, he was scared when Draco got this angry, it wasn’t a common occurrence. Harry was definitely the one with the temper.

“I cannot believe you that you could just go behind my back!” Draco ran a hand through his hair and turned away from Harry, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this hurt.

“Draco babe, slow down. What are you talking about?” Harry was up out his seat, his hand on the small of Draco’s back.

“Don’t you dare call me babe!” Draco spun around, out of Harry’s grasp, making Harry bite his lip in irritation and worry. If he just said what Harry had done then maybe he could try to explain!

“Draco please tell me…”

“Hermione told me Harry,” Draco sighed and dropped onto the chair that Harry’s foot had rested on. He seemed defeated.

“What did she tell you?” Harry was even more confused now; he once again walked around Draco and sat in front of him. He placed his hand on Draco’s, who was staring sadly at his lap, only to have it shrugged away. Harry flinched, he really was in trouble.

“That you’re so excited about the new baby! Can’t wait for it in fact, what new baby Harry? What fucking new baby?” Draco’s voice was dripping with disdain as he finally looked up and met Harry’s wide green eyes.

“Draco I didn’t, I don’t know what she’s talking about!” Harry said softly but Draco simply narrowed his eyes.

“Oh really? She said when you went over to lunch on Tuesday that you were so excited!” Draco mocked her tone, and shook his head. “I thought you would have at least talked to me first. Asked me if I wouldn’t mind going through all that again but obviously I’m not very important…” Draco sighed heavily and made to get up from his seat next to Harry when Harry grabbed him by both wrists, jolting Draco into looking up at him.

“Draco. Listen to me,” Harry’s eyes seemed wild and Draco swallowed hard despite his own sadness and anger. “I did go to Hermione’s on Tuesday, we did talk about us having another child and I did tell her that I would love to have another child. I never did I say that we were going to! Please believe me when I tell you that I would never, ever, go behind your back,” Harry’s eyes blazed and his grip on Draco’s wrists tightened as the determination in Harry’s voice heightened.

“I know you wouldn’t,” Draco sighed. “I was so angry Harry that you’d talked to her about this and not me. I didn’t even know you’d thought about another child, I thought you were happy with Alex and me.” Draco met Harry’s gaze, his expression sad and his mouth set in a grim line. Harry stopped gripping Draco’s wrists and he cupped his partners face.

“I am happy Draco, you know I am. I hadn’t thought about it,” Draco raised a disbelieving eyebrow at his husband but let him continue. “Well not really, not until she asked me but that does not mean I want things to change! I love how our family is and if having another isn’t on the cards for us then I will always love our family the way it is.” Harry insisted and he leaned forward to press his forehead against Draco’s, the blonde man sighed heavily and pressed his own forehead back. He reached out and gripped Harry’s shirt front and pulled him closer until their lips met in a soft apologetic kiss. He pulled back after a moment and sat back in his chair, silently contemplating.

“I don’t know if I could do that again Harry,” Draco looked up at his partner and smiled sadly. Harry leaned forward and gripped Draco’s hand tightly.

“I know baby, I know,” Harry reassured and smiled genuinely at Draco. They both knew how stressful it had been on Draco to carry Alex. His body was completely unprepared for the stress of carrying a child but when Severus had told them that he thought he had perfected a series of potions which would enable male pregnancy, neither of them seemed to be able to get the idea out of their heads. They had to try it. It wasn’t something they had entered into lightly, they had spent months talking it over with Draco’s godfather and they knew the risks but hearing them read out was not the same as experiencing them. Harry would never ask Draco to go through that once more if he didn’t feel up to it. Alex was perfect and well worth the wait, they could be content. Harry knew all of this and they were already more blessed than either of them ever thought they ever would be but there was something in the back of his mind, a voice which kept telling him that maybe he could do this.

“Draco, what if I could do it?” Draco’s eyes widened at the suggestions and they sat staring at one another in silence for a long while.


“No really, what if I could? Would you want another child?” Harry swallowed the lump in his throat and waited expectantly for Draco to answer.

“..Another baby?” Draco looked down, examining his lap and Harry was sure he was going to answer in the negative, but the blonde man looked up at him and smiled. It was a true genuine smile the kind that lit up Draco’s entire face.

“I would love another baby Harry, I don’t want Alex to grow up alone like we did, I just didn’t think it could ever happen for us.” Draco sniffed and Harry noticed his eyes were suspiciously bright; he smiled back at his husband and gestured for the blonde to come closer. Within seconds he had a lapful of a warm pliable Draco, his head of silky blonde hair tucked under Harry’s chin. They intertwined their fingers and sat in contented silence for a long while.

“Are you sure you could?” Draco asked softly and gripped Harry’s hand tightly.

“We’ll take Alex to see Severus tomorrow, and we’ll discuss it.” Harry pressed a kiss to the top of Draco’s head and once again they fell into a comfortable silence.


What do you all think? I'd love to know. Thank you for reading!

wip, mpreg, snuffles, harry/draco, then there were four

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