"Old friends, new lovers, and the disabled: welcome all!" -- Michael
Five Kisses Meredith Only Sort of Remembers by
neverneverfic (Meredith/various)
Need-to-Know Basis by
jesshelga (Toby/Jan, Pam), sequel to
Chase That Feeling.
Just One of the Guys by
lano_fic (Jim, Madge)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Arsonists by
agate (Ryan, Jan)
Crossing the Line by
annakovsky (Jim/Pam, NC-17)
[icons & graphics]
18 icons by
Colorbars (with quotes) for every Office character! by
12 icons by
9 cartoon icons by
tacos_rebellion [vids] (working through the backlog)
OK Go - You're So Damn Hot fanvid by DementedRiku (Dwight, Jim and Pam)
John Krasinski and Rainn Wilson on The Ellen Degeneres Show (including a DANCE-OFF)
[the wayback machine] (fic from the past)
Four Things That Never Happened to Jim and Pam by
uhmidont (Jim/Pam)
Confessional by otahyoni (Jim/Pam)
Eight Days a Week (Ryan/Michael, R)
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scranton_times FAQ, and suggest any journals, communities or websites we should be watching for updates!