FAQ post.

Aug 04, 2006 22:18

Scranton Times - The Office Fandom Newsletter
Frequently Asked Questions

What is this?
This is a fandom newsletter for the US version of The Office, updated every other day.

What do you post?
Links to new fanfiction, icons, vids, meta, news and any other fandom events of note, both on livejournal and external sites. scranton_times will include fic, etc, that is gen (non-romantic), het (features a male/female romantic or sexual relationship) and slash (features a same-sex romantic or sexual relationship).

For examples of other fandom newsletters, you can check out su_herald (Buffy), hogwarts_today (Harry Potter) or sga_newsletter (Stargate: Atlantis).

Who runs this?
kyrafic maintains this journal. You can contact her by posting a comment or e-mailing scrantontimes@gmail.com.

How often is it updated?
The journal currently updates every other day, but may change to update more (or less) frequently as fandom activity warrants. Any such changes will be noted in a post, and on the userinfo page.

How do I join?
Membership to the community is closed, but you can friend the community to get hot, toasty updates on your friendslist.

How does it work?
scrantonicity is the reading list of this journal, used to keep track of happenings around livejournal. If you would like your journal or a journal/community you know of to be monitored, you can leave a comment here or e-mail scrantontimes@gmail.com.

Why should I friend the journal?
Well, 'cause it's a handy way to keep track of events all around Office fandom, especially as it expands. It includes links both to stuff on livejournal and things on external sites.

What if I have a fic/other fandom happening I want to let you know about?
You're both welcome and encouraged to leave a comment or send an e-mail to scrantonicity@gmail.com with info about new fic or other fannish stuff.

What's your spoiler policy?
This is a spoiler free zone. Information on episodes that have yet to air in the United States will not be included. All links to media (fic, icons, vids, etc) that contain spoilers for recent episodes will have a clear spoiler warning for a week after the episode first airs in the US. Please be conscientious about putting spoiler warnings and cut-tags on your own posts, as well as what you might say in comments here, as a courtesy to others! Lots of people will appreciate it very much.

Speaking of warnings...
Links that contain spoilers or graphic sex/not worksafe material will always be labelled as such. Fic that features a romantic or sexual relationship will be labelled like: Jim/Pam. Fic that features characters in a gen (non-romantic/sexual) interaction will be labelled like: Kelly, Oscar.

Do you post everything you find?
No, a selection of fic and other material, is posted at the editor's discretion, with an eye to quality and variety. Nothing is ever excluded as a snub.

What about the UK version of The Office?
The UK Office is an awesome show! It's not impossible that from time to time we'll link to a thing or two related to it, but this is primarily for the fandom for the US version of the show.

Who are your affiliates?
We are affiliated with su_herald, the Buffy & Angel fandom newsletter. Yay!

What is this wayback machine thing?
Because a lot of fic was posted to the fandom before this newsletter started, and because it would be a shame to exclude it, links to older fic (vids, etc) will be posted at the editor's discretion (and clearly labelled, so you'll know it's separate from the brand spanking new stuff).

How do the tags work?
Tags apply to only the fanfiction posted in any update, not icons, vids or anything else. Tags will be for both pairings (jim/pam, angela/dwight) and characters (creed, jan). Tags are for primary characters in any given fic -- not that one line Kevin said in the background of the 17th paragraph.

I would love some resources for the fandom to get me started.
It's funny you should ask! We will be posting in the very near future.

Anything else you want to mention?
Thanks to su_herald and hogwarts_today whose resources were used as templates to set this up. The makers of any and all icons are credited here. Also thanks to the fandom at large for being superawesome and making all these great things.

Last updated October 16, 2006, with information on affiliates and spoiler warning periods.

administrative minutiae, faq

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