Hey Media: I hate you right now

Sep 10, 2010 11:14

I have a general sizzling disgust of the media on any given day, but today I'm tired of holding it in check.

So the Quran burning. They're reporting it's been put on hold until the crazy preacher who wants to burn religious books can confirm that he isn't going to get a sit-down with the NYC Muslims. Word on the street is that if he burns the books Muslims will get really pissed. The condition for a barbecue stand-own was originally reported as moving the proposed mosque away from Ground Zero. The NYC Muslims say they don't barter with their religion. Is a stand-off brewing???

Jesus, this sounds like a sequel to The Warriors.

After cursing at the TV for 30 minutes (hey, I'm off) I got online and saw this line:

"Opponents of the New York City mosque argue it is insensitive to families and memories of Sept. 11 victims to build a mosque so close to where Islamic extremists flew planes into the World Trade Center and killed nearly 2,800 people. Proponents say the project reflects religious freedom and diversity and that hatred of Muslims is fueling the opposition.

Oh really?  That's what proponents are saying?  Because I thought they were saying:

It's not a fucking mosque and it's not at Ground Zero.

Quran burnings aside, why won't the media quit calling it "The Mosque at Ground Zero"?*  Some of them had been using the quotes around "mosque" but most of them don't even bother anymore.  I guess the teleprompters have character limits.  It was so bad I even yelled at George Stephanopolous.  George Stephanopolous!  I LOVE George Stephanopolous!

I know the community center is a lot of letters and doesn't quite have the ring of "Mosque of Death".  I know "Ground Zero" is more efficient than "site of the world Trade Center".  When you put "mosque" and "ground zero" together and plaster it on a screen in big letters with an old-ass, bible-thumping gold miner behind it proclaiming the virtues of recycling Qurans, hell yeah my blood gets going!  That shit sounds like it's going to be a New York-sized sandwich of G.I. Joe jelly and Extreme Crunchy Muslim Butter, son!   You can almost see the explosions from here when you say it like that, can almost see the gray smoke rolling back around the corners of Manhattan again, covering everything for one tenth of a mile** with soot and guts and patriotism.

I understand why.  I just don't like it.  I want some fucking news.  Just give me the facts.  Fuck all these talking heads.  I'll come up with my own opinions after you give me facts. Quit it with the shorthand.

* I KNOW why.  I'm just sayin'.  Wait for it...wait for it...
** Which is how far away the proposed community center actually is from the site of the World Trade Center.

book burnings, barbecue, fucking america, world trade center, the warriors, george stephanopolous, gold prospectors, 9/11, fucking media, muslims

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