Jul 30, 2007 17:49
So i signed up to take a test for the post office a few weeks before i graduated from college...I had to pay a little over 100 bucks for the shit...i was told that i would get the 100 bucks back if i didnt take the test, didnt pass the test, or didnt get the job...well after looking over the testing review book i relaized i cant do this shit...i have a small case of dyslexia so i swap numbers really easy...so trying to memorize a bazillion different zip codes isnt what i call fun. Plus i couldnt wait any longer for the testing info so i got myself a big boy job and have been doing that for 3 months. So ive spent close to almost 3 months trying to get ahold of anyone to return my hundred dollars. Everytime i call im on hold for no joke at least an hour and have yet to acutally talk to anyone. I email the email i have and they tell me to call the number. Im going in circles and i just want my effing money back. Im not that rich to be blowing 100 bucks on sumthing i didnt even take. I went on the cruise and appreantly my testing date was while i was gone...i coldnt even get ahold of anyone to tell them i was going on vacation and still want my money back. The number alwyas tells me to call the customer service mail box...but when i do after getting tired of being on hold they tell me the mail box is full. So im go back to square one...like its been telling me my call will be answered in 3 minutes for hte past 45 minutes haha im gettng tired of it. Haha edit: i jsut talked to someone....they told me i only get my money back if 1- i fail the test 2- if i dont get hired after my interview or 3-after ive been there for a week...in other words i now i have to go about taking the test just to purposly flunk it to get my money back...sometimes i dont get how things work or why that makes any sense.
Ever have one of those freinds that totally is there for you all the time and then all of a sudden they are gone? yeah that is how my best bud boobie is. We used to be with eachtoerh all hte bloody damn time...going to random places at all hours of hte night, going clubbing, we talked non stop all day long and then she went an got a girlfriend. Which i was/am happy about because that girl makes boobie happy. Just for hte past 5 months they have been dating ive seen boobie maybe 4 times. And the last 2 times was because her and her girl were fighting. Like i wont turn my back on my freinds but i also dont like getting dropped like that either. Its not cool.
So im getting a tattoo on sunday..one im sure my mom will kill me for but im gonna try and get my neck tat done at the same time so myabe she will concentrate more on that then the one going on my arm haha i just dont want her to punch me in the face because i am a mama's boy (well sorta) what my mom thinks counts to me but it doesnt run my life...im obv not what she wanted out of a daughter and she thinks i can act like a sissy for a son. Either way i = dissappointment to my parents...whats 2 more tattooos going to do haha.