butterfly in a bell jar : [closed]

Aug 19, 2010 13:46

Who: Riza Hawkeye firebornfidelis and Dawn Summers girl_unlocking
When: Backdated - evening of Aug. 18th.
Where: The clinic
Format: Paragraph
What: Riza was hurt. Dawn brings her something belatedly.
Warnings: Injuries?

Dawn held the jar tightly, her new shoes surprisingly quiet as she made her way through the clinic. Her eyes flickering over other beds, people both sleeping and wakeful.

Already this place reminded her of home.

She was wary of it-- of this place, its antique antiseptic smell, the blanched expanse of wall and sheetcloth, and the promises of lies that always came with places like this.

Eight beds in and then left, around the corner and--

She stopped short at the foot of a bed, and slipped her free hand past the curtain beside, whispering

"Riza? A-are you ..awake? It's me. It's Dawn."

dawn summers, riza hawkeye

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