yetsleeping and
godslayingWhen: Now!
Where: The misty ruins.
Format: Paragraph.
What: Priscilla has returned to her blonde self. Gin hasn't changed in the least.
Warnings: None come to mind. Will change if necessary.
The mist doesn't exactly make a pleasant place for a stroll. There are voices and monsters and all sorts of stuff that normal folk steer clear of. The fact that Gin is going into it says something.
All in a day's work, at least when you 'work' for Aizen. Kill some wealthy old man, take part in some monster war, grab some samples from things that grab back. Gin does it all with a grin on his lips. Nothing he can't handle, and it beats sitting around drinking tea in that white noise of a mansion. Even trolling around the marketplace can lose some of its appeal after awhile.
"You just ain't interestin' at all." Gin stares up at the monster in front of him. "Aizen's got no use for ugly. " He grips Shinso by the hilt, grin stretching until he shows teeth.
So he continues deeper into the mist, searching for better monsters while the one behind him falls to the ground.