yetsleeping and
godslayingWhen: Now!
Where: The misty ruins.
Format: Paragraph.
What: Priscilla has returned to her blonde self. Gin hasn't changed in the least.
Warnings: None come to mind. Will change if necessary.
till the day you cast a shadow that looks nothing like your own )
Comments 13
First: Dismas. That black hole that eats her power and makes her human. There, she could hide, mingle with the crowd, and keep her silver eyes down.
Second: The ruins. A place so choked with energy that it might eat even hers. Hers. The other her. Because that is the key, really - how to disappear without people immediately knowing she had changed. That she was... this.
This hollow, weak little thing with pale hands and pale hair and eyes colored with the wrong metal.
She wants to be alone. That's why she's in the ruins, unarmed, without her warrior's garb (where is it, even? Didn't she destroy it when she--). Without anything but her hands. Not that she's ever needed more than that, to kill ( ... )
"Why, if it ain't Miss Prissy." His voice is a murmur, lacking some of its usual venom. Now that he sees her, sees her like this, he's still not sure what to expect. "You scared me, sneakin' up like that." Perhaps it's impossible for him to be truly afraid. He's chosen a path and is determined to see it through, leaving no room for things like hesitation or fear. But he also has to survive to see it through, and that makes him a little more cautious. He did openly fight for Luciela after all, and clashed with Rigaldo. But in his defense...it is Rigaldo.
"Ya seem different." A hint of his grin returns. "Do something with your hair?"
"Is it?" He presses is back to a rock wall, grin still not stretching. "You sound a little different too." That hadn't spoken, hadn't really needed to. But Gin had been watching, if only because it was something Aizen would've been interested in.
The actual mention of Rigaldo makes his smile falter a little. "War's over. Got no reason to anymore." Which isn't to say he wasn't, wouldn't. "I just wanted to see if things were still interestin' here." A smile. "Turns out, it is."
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