003 | video; Thanksgiving

Nov 24, 2011 11:45

Hey, I'm guessing a lot of you come from a place that has some kind of holiday like Thanksgiving, or at least something like it.

Where I'm from, we just... gathered together on this day, made a veritable feast from what little we had and spent the rest of the night eating, drinking and making merry.

I like to think it's a good time to reflect on what ( Read more... )

!castiel (future), the trickster, desmond miles, ginko, yuugi mutou, bernkastel, theon greyjoy

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f_eye_candy November 24 2011, 23:09:17 UTC
Hmm, I'm afraid I am not familiar at all with this holiday. [His smile turns a bit tight.] And while this place so far seems better, at least, than the place I recently came from... well, being separated from my friends does not inspire very much thankfulness in me. Perhaps that comes with time.


buryindecadence November 25 2011, 18:22:37 UTC
Probably a shift in perspective that's... a bit too soon for some, sure.

And you know what? It's okay to not have anything to be grateful for. Sometimes life just sucks like that.


f_eye_candy November 27 2011, 14:20:36 UTC
[Have the most passive-aggressively cheerful smile and happy sing-song.] Well, I am very glad to hear that. Because I'm afraid it's amazing how ungrateful I am feeling right now, but I would really hate to interfere with other people's customs. That would be rather rude.


buryindecadence November 28 2011, 02:55:31 UTC
[Cas' smile falters at that, because really... there are barbs enough in that smile to repel even his nearly unflappable good mood.]

...Yeah, couldn't have that, could we?

So uh, what's eating you, if you don't mind my asking?


f_eye_candy November 28 2011, 03:29:43 UTC
[He does turn down the bitchface after a few seconds at that, looking just a little bit ashamed of himself before rallying, this time smiling his usual who-me-I-am-harmless-smile.]

Ahaha, sorry about that. It is merely that this new place, the sudden separation from my friends... and the fact that this place has already been plundering my memories... I guess you could say it makes me rather tense.


buryindecadence November 28 2011, 03:35:16 UTC
Yeah, I think I can relate.

Hey, I know saying 'look at the bright side' is about as welcome as a punch in the throat right now? But hang in there. I heard there are ways of getting back home -- people have done it before, apparently.


f_eye_candy November 28 2011, 04:11:03 UTC
Very vivid imagery. [He turned his smile down a couple of lux, tilting his head to the side.] Do you know if they used magic? Or some other way?


buryindecadence November 28 2011, 04:20:26 UTC
Now that is a good question.

[He never bothered to look into it because the subject doesn't really interest him, apparently.]


f_eye_candy November 28 2011, 04:27:34 UTC
[He hesitates, but he needs to know if there's a way. He'll have to take some risks.] I possess the magic to traverse worlds, although it usually exhausts me. But my magic has been... strange since I got here. It feels altered somehow. I am not sure in what way, but....


buryindecadence November 28 2011, 04:30:28 UTC
Oh, that? Well... welcome to the ranks of the Scorched.

I dunno if it was coming through the Door or the Mists that did it, but apparently it changes you. I don't think it did anything to me, so I haven't really cared much about it, to be honest.


f_eye_candy November 28 2011, 04:47:32 UTC
It's as if that strange power that's here went right through me, and then did something to me. [This is murmured, barely audible. Then, louder:] I still really don't know what happened, because I'm not in the habit of using my magic. You might say I lost something I needed for it. But you are saying that this happens to everyone? That we're all changed?


buryindecadence November 28 2011, 13:00:19 UTC
Most of us, yeah.

I can't really say for sure, to be honest. The only thing changed with me is that I'm still alive.


f_eye_candy November 28 2011, 22:30:19 UTC
...and you were dead before? [For the briefest moment an impossible number of emotions - fear, shock, hurt, guilt, anger, confusion - register in his eyes, before immediately being exchanged for blankness.]


buryindecadence November 29 2011, 13:14:12 UTC
[Impossible, but there they all are. Don't mind if he stares a little, right?]

Uh... yeah, I think so?

Anyway, I figure that's not such a bad thing. Not sure how I'd be able to handle shooting ice from my fingers or whatever. Accidents could happen, you know.


f_eye_candy December 1 2011, 09:17:41 UTC
Yes, accident tend to.... happen a lot, when it comes to magic. You could say that's why I don't use it now. [He's still tense, in a fight-or-flight kind of way, but trying to cover it up.] So you were some kind of spirit, then?


buryindecadence December 1 2011, 13:52:39 UTC
Spirit? What makes you think that?

I'm pretty sure I died, and then showed up here. As far as I know, this place is Limbo.


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