120. [Video]

Oct 04, 2011 04:52

[Enter one Priscilla, currently sitting on a step in the backyard of the primary Alliance headquarters, taking in the last bits of darkness before the coming of dawn. For the moment, she is nearly glowing in the moonlight - pale skin, pale hair, a white slipdress, and of course the strange, otherworldly shimmer and glow of her eyes - silver and reflective as polished steel with a steady glow surrounding the pupil.]

[Today she is without her sword - instead, she passes her dagger idly from hand to hand. She is surrounded by fireflies... and has a glass jar full of them sitting in her lap.]

Welcome to everyone from every world! [She lowers her head slightly, her pale blond bangs falling into her face.] I wish I could greet all of you individually, but... I probably can't. But I'm going to try! ...but I probably can't. [She blushes a little, and shakes her head.] But I'll still try. In any case, um! Consider this your... happy welcome.

[She waves a little, and draws her head up, face in the moonlight.]

My name is Priscilla. And... if anyone needs anything, I would be more than happy to help you. I've been here for quite a long time. This upcoming winter will be my third one here. ...which is a little strange to think about. But having been here through two in the past, I feel like I should warn you.. um. Get warm clothes. Because the winters in Anatole are very... unpredictable. Sometimes we have blizzards that last for weeks. Or the sun will disappear for days.

On the upside, there's something strange about the greenhouses - they can grow food even in the harshest winter.

In any case, there's still a month or two to worry about that. Autumn is beautiful, though - the fireflies and the changing colors. It's definitely something to enjoy while you can.

...the Door's very active these days. I think it's pretty interesting, really - the fluctuations, the changes. And the phases it goes through, too - concentrating on one world or another sometimes, and then sending people back in groups, too. ...recently, it seems to like... Westeros? I think that's the name. [She smiles a little.]

I'm pretty interested in why... if there even is a reason.

[She takes a little breath, and then sets the jar down. Standing, she looks small and thin and fragile... but she holds herself as though she's 8 feet tall and invincible.]

One more thing.

Most of my students have left the city. [She glances offcamera for a moment, and sighs.] ...even Kunsel. [That one stings.]

If there is anyone here who would like lessons on swords or other bladed weapons, please let me know. I have free time open now, and I really do enjoy teaching. If, after our first meeting, I determine that your level is too advanced for me, I'll be happy to refer you to another teacher. But... in most cases, at least, that shouldn't be a concern.

...oh! And, Clarice, would you like to pick up your lessons again?

miata, !priscilla, eddard "ned" stark, arthur pendragon, kahlan amnell

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