002 - video;

Oct 03, 2011 20:09

[It's the same girl as before; black-clad and a little too pale for her own good. At least she looks slightly healthier! Hotaru's managed to turn on device with relative ease, after some previous fiddling around. She's currently sitting on top of a bed, neatly made, looking a little shy. She takes a huff, allowing her shoulders to relax, but it's not possible. It's difficult to address complete strangers, let alone a network. Hotaru's voice is soft, very quiet.]

Um. Excuse me, I-

I feel as if... I should thank those who were kind enough to talk to me, especially Ukitake-san.

[Quickly, she adds, with a vague little gesture-]

He's the one who brought me here, um. I hope that it's alright that I can stay here for a while. I mean- oh. I feel stronger? I'm sorry...

[Hotaru bows her head, dropping her eyes to her lap.]

The purpose of this was I wanted to know more about this place. It's not what I thought it was, it doesn't feel like it was. Could... could someone tell me a bit more? Please?

My father is just going to be really worried- and my friend.

momo hinamori, juushirou ukitake, !hotaru tomoe

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