[Video] Buy a flower? It's 3 gil.

Dec 30, 2009 13:27

[The Forge turns on, and Aerith is facing the Forge with a big, pleased smile. She's in her apartment tonight, and she steps back to show that she's been busy in that short time that she hasn't been heard from. The once-empty room is now full of growing vegetation, all in different pots and differing in colors and sizes. She fondly pets one nearby.]

It's sunny again, which is a relief, really. Plants need sunlight too, and they're still young enough that I don't want to deny them what they need. It'll take some more time until they produce anything, but I'm optimistic about it.

How has everyone been? There was also the murder... [Her smile falls for a moment before she shakes it off. She fusses with a plant for a moment longer before humming thoughtfully.]

I'm wondering if there's a place for me to move into where I can have a proper garden. Does anyone know where I can get a good deal? Oh! And I'm lending my services for now, so if anyone needs a healer, please come by? I don't bite, promise.


lucy stillman, byakuya kuchiki, zack fair, kaien shiba, turk knife "valeria", kimihiro watanuki, !aerith gainsborough

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