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Comments 28

[video] trickster_treat August 22 2011, 16:02:23 UTC
You're a good brother, kiddo.


[video] moarnomsplz August 23 2011, 04:46:54 UTC
Our people should know the troo, truth. But I would not want that to happen, hap-pen-nuh, at my brother's ex, expense.


[video] trickster_treat August 23 2011, 16:30:53 UTC
Truth is a relative thing and usually depends on one's point of view. There are very few truths that are absolute. Most can be bent.


[video] moarnomsplz August 25 2011, 03:37:02 UTC
Ben, ben-tuh for the purpose of covering-ing people's human, or oth, oth-err-wy-suh, asses. I cannot approve of that.

I would still tell the lie again. But not for them.


[video] wotchesyou August 22 2011, 18:26:25 UTC
That was very noble of you.

Why did you do that?


[video] moarnomsplz August 23 2011, 04:48:02 UTC
Because I did not feel I had a choice, choy-suh. It was... the wrong, rong-guh, thing to do. And yet, I still feel I did it for the right reasons.


not_of_avon August 23 2011, 02:19:29 UTC
Admirable, and yet slightly naive.


[video] moarnomsplz August 23 2011, 04:49:34 UTC
Nigh, nai-ee-vuh, yes. Much has changed since that moment. It is not one I am plee, pleased to have on display.


not_of_avon August 24 2011, 16:33:25 UTC
This place never seems to pick moments we'd be proud to show off.

But it is good you realize that things can change. [Social interaction is always difficult...did that come out too awkwardly, he wonders.]


moarnomsplz August 25 2011, 03:42:35 UTC
One could be temp, tempted to attribute, byoo-tuh, a personality to it, though that does not make sense.

[Ax is all but immune to awkwardness, tending to assume that humans mean what they say, and finding no reason to take offense if they state things bluntly. It is what he does, after all.]

Things, ings, ing-zuh, always change. Even, or perhaps especially, shuh-lee, ourselves. I would like to believe this is a good thing.


[video | private] hirac_utzum August 29 2011, 02:14:37 UTC
[He is angry. It is the one thought, the one feeling that is clear when his mind is so busily whirling, trying to take in this information, trying to force it into a shape that makes sense, in a way it can't possibly. Oh, little brother, what have you done?

Elfangor is not mad at Aximili. Of course not. It is at those people, those who call themselves their leaders, representatives of their people, supposedly doing what is in the best interests of their people. But it is lies, all lies. They do what they will only so that they can sleep at night, to tell themselves that by giving the people false images of heroes and pointing fingers at inexperienced cadets, they have done what they must, that they have done what is best for their people.

But how can it be for the best, when instead of allowing the truth to come out--when it couldn't even matter to him, some scar of a reputation, when he was dead--they could allow... no, coerce his little brother, his hopeful, proud, too serious and a little goofy and utterly brilliant little ( ... )


[video | private] moarnomsplz August 31 2011, 01:50:59 UTC
[But he did have to; Ax still believes he had to, though the reasons are different now. And he is angry for a moment himself. How could you say that it did not matter, what I did? That I did it for nothing? He hears that his human mouthparts do something to his voice that makes it come out stiff and strained, but he cannot seem to stop that, even though he wishes he could.]

It did matter. It does matter. I do not care what they think of me, ee, either, even if they call me a failure.

[It is true, and has been true, and knowing it is somehow freeing.]

Lirem was wrong to make me say what I said, but there was some rightness, neh-suh, in his reasoning-ing. What our people think of you, that is what mah, mah-ter-zuh. I know more of your story than anyone, probably, lee, and I say that the name our people believe in is more important than that of an aristh unlikely to ever be more.


[video | private] hirac_utzum October 9 2011, 00:06:06 UTC
[He disagrees, so very much.

Will you fight? Will you be their hero?

Yes, Captain, I will fight.

He still feels the weight of that acceptance.

But that does not mean he needs to accept this.]

It is not what they think of me--they only know me as a name, not a person. [And now, as only a ghost, some poor excuse of a legend.] The name of a dead man is never more important than the life of a person still living, Aximili. It was wrong for them to use you like that. I do not care if you disagree, it was wrong, and I cannot believe otherwise.


[video | private] moarnomsplz October 9 2011, 22:23:06 UTC
Yes, it was wrong, rong-guh of them. But it was not for nothing-ing that I did it.

[He ducks his head, still embarrassed.]

A lot has changed since then. I... have told my human friend-zuh about Seerow. [He is all but certain Elfangor will approve of this, but it is still a moment before Ax looks at the screen of the Forge again.] I decided I could not let them fight a-low, lone, alone.


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