02. [Text, and always text]

Dec 14, 2009 06:42

As some of you may already know, I've been volunteering to care for a few of the local children during busy times for their parents ( Read more... )

lucy stillman, alfred f. jones, misa amane, !johan liebert, leon scott kennedy, nina fortner/anna liebert

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I JUST HAD TO DO IT the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 12:51:16 UTC
[ This catches her attention because she was an orphan as well. ]

You're so sweet to give time to these children...

You're a storyteller?


Oh Misa. Why must you always linger with the sociopaths?! iwithoutaname December 14 2009, 21:57:24 UTC
I have been known to enjoy a good story, yes.


1/2 - Because the cute ones always are? xD the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 22:02:19 UTC
Well, Misa likes kids and Misa thinks what you are doing is pretty cute.


2/2 the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 22:04:52 UTC

When Misa was a little girl, Misa liked Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast.


Misa is absurdly cute. Just saying. iwithoutaname December 14 2009, 22:16:55 UTC
Ah, romantic classics. I'm not surprised to find that is your type of story.


You and Lara are always saying that! the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 22:19:43 UTC

Misa still likes them even now. Misa hopes that someday, she will meet her prince just like in the stories...

Misa must sound very silly now.


Because it is SO TRUE. iwithoutaname December 14 2009, 22:28:46 UTC
You seem like a romantic sort of person.

But why not Sleeping Beauty or Snow White?


the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 22:32:37 UTC
Misa will think of that as a good thing then.

Misa love those too. But, Misa's friend showed her a very scary version on Sleeping Beauty once...

...Misa still can't forget it.

[ Looking very scared. ]


Hey, is she on video? iwithoutaname December 14 2009, 22:37:26 UTC
The old tales always have dark sides. But then, many beautiful things do.


Text - Nope. That is why I am SO glad that he can't see her. the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 22:45:14 UTC
You aren't scared by dark things?


SHE'S SO CUTE, SHE SHOULD BE SEEN ALL THE TIME. iwithoutaname December 14 2009, 22:45:39 UTC
Do you think I should be?


IT IS VACATION. SO YOU PROBABLY WILL NOW. the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 22:52:53 UTC
No! Misa thinks it is great!~

Misa likes them too. Misa always thought that she was the only one that did...


/CLINGS TO MISA. iwithoutaname December 14 2009, 23:02:32 UTC
Of course you aren't alone. I truly believe that no one is ever really alone in anything.

But what frightened you about that Sleeping Beauty story?


the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 23:08:08 UTC
[ Long silence. ]

Misa was nine when she first read that sleeping Beauty. The prince... wasn't princely at all...

...after seeing the beautiful princess, he didn't give her a kiss.

He raped her.


Hey I have that book. iwithoutaname December 14 2009, 23:23:32 UTC
Ah yes. Many of the old stories will tend to go in that direction.

Maybe you should stay with more recent versions?


Why am I not surprised? :) did misa do a bad thing by telling him this? the2nd_kira December 14 2009, 23:27:05 UTC
Misa will...

But Misa was never really able to see Sleeping Beauty the same way again...


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