[Voice 001]

Dec 08, 2009 16:42

[A high-pitched buzzing can be heard on the Forge today, though it only lasts for a second or two. It seems the person causing the buzzing realized he ought to make it stop, and so he does.]

- Oh! Did that do it? Testing, testing!

[The person on the other end lets out a loud, "Ha!" of triumph, and when he speaks again he's unmistakably cheerful ( Read more... )

desmond miles, aerith gainsborough, mihael "mello" keehl, crocodile, luke fon fabre, teddie, !the doctor, kou, arthur pendragon, oruha

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Voice; baroqueworked December 9 2009, 03:05:37 UTC
I doubt you'll be able to attend this date, as we all seem to be stuck here. Plucked from our different worlds by some unknown force and they do not seem to be accommodating for any missed plans or events.


[voice] doctorate December 9 2009, 03:50:17 UTC
. . . I see. Well, that certainly is troublesome.

Taken for what purpose, do you know?


Voice; baroqueworked December 9 2009, 04:35:02 UTC
Just arrived; if I had known such information, I would have deployed my right of diplomacy and I would have arranged a nice meeting with the people who snatched me out of a war.


[voice forever!] doctorate December 9 2009, 04:38:50 UTC
So! Unknown captors, unknown purpose. This seems to be shaping up to be a perfectly lovely experience. Might I ask, is there anything that actually is known?


Voice; baroqueworked December 9 2009, 04:47:23 UTC
[Crocodile sounds amused; click, inhale, exhale.] Apparently we are outsiders here. They have not stripped me of my inhumanities, so all is still well. If you're of a different persuasion other than human, do check that you've remained intact.

Other than that, I would contact what seems to resemble a Task Force here and see if you can gather more information.

[A pause; Crocodile fiddles with his device and forwards a link.]

A resident sent that to me upon arrival. I hope it helps you, Mister Doctor.


doctorate December 9 2009, 05:05:27 UTC
I seem to be mostly myself, though thanks for the concern. But-- a Task Force, really? Sounds a bit militaristic; is it put together by the locals or the newcomers?

[there's a pause from this end, as well, during which the Doctor speed-reads the link]

Very helpful, actually, though I have to admit I've still got my suspicions. And it's just the Doctor, actually.


baroqueworked December 9 2009, 05:07:20 UTC
A police unit; something to keep the people thinking there is still law and order in the palms of their hands. I do not know the details, but it seems to be composed of the newcomers.

[He hums.] Well Just-The-Doctor, you are not the only one who has his suspicions and doubts.


doctorate December 9 2009, 05:21:17 UTC
I suppose that's to be expected -- first thing to do in any dire situation is to establish some semblance of order. It was probably a wise move.

[up to now, the Doctor has been sounding relatively light-hearted; his tone quickly switches to something more serious] How'd you arrive, then? Through the main Door, I take it?


Voice; baroqueworked December 9 2009, 05:33:47 UTC
[A small monotone laugh escapes him.] I'm sure it is, but my experience with order is that it never stays pure.

[A pause; Crocodile ponders the words as he takes a few drags from his cigar.] I don't much remember; perhaps? I woke up in a bed at the inn, still foggy. I was in the middle of a World War, so the details are a bit fuzzy.


doctorate December 9 2009, 05:44:49 UTC
We'll have to hope for the best from this lot, for now.

[this time he sounds puzzled] A World War? I don't mean to sound glib, but-- which one?


baroqueworked December 9 2009, 05:50:11 UTC
The World Government's war on the Whitebeard Pirates; the bringing of the Royal Shichibukai to end the life of a Yonkou and bring the prisoners of Impel Down back for execution.

[And here, he seems to lean into the microphone.] I seriously doubt you would know about it, Doctor.


doctorate December 9 2009, 05:52:54 UTC
[the Doctor waits a beat, then responds brightly,] You're right, actually -- haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.


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