008. [Text. Forever.]

Nov 25, 2009 19:26

I ought to get paid for doing this shit.

All right, so, looks like we've got a lot of new arrivals coming in. Talk to the natives, they're not going to tell you anything useful, being a bunch of assholes the way they are.

So in the spirit of the season, I'll give you something to be thankful for.

Update - February 10th

[ooc: This document is now out of date. a new guide can be found here.]


Welcome to Anatole, hope you enjoy your endless stay. When I say "endless," I mean that tentatively and yet literally. Looks like we're never leaving. Looks like we're never dying either, at least by natural causes. At least that's what the natives say, when they're feeling polite enough to speak at all. Speaking of the natives, most of them aren't big fans of us. Call us the Scorched, Outworlders, newbies. Don't think you're imagining that little sneer - you probably aren't.

According to the info you can drag up in the library we've all been brought here by a big stone arch near the center of the city. Go down there, you can see different worlds going by, but don't bother trying to get back. It's like walking through smoke. Haven't got a clue in hell what controls it. Barkeep says it's the mist. More on that later.

Suffice to say, for the moment here's what we know: this world used to be run by some wizard types called the Veneficus. Something happens, the Veneficus lose their magic, the mist comes up and the world gets covered with it. Far as we know, Anatole is the only place left standing, and what you see is every human being left in the the world.

At least that's the way the Natives tell it.

The Forge

If you're reading this, you've figured out how to turn that thing on. It's probably the most advanced tech Anatole's got - apparently cobbled together some decades back by a Scorched called, wait for it, Forge. I'm assuming humility was not this bloke's strong suit. Doesn't matter - it takes video, voice and text, and has all kinds of lovely extra features. Want instructions? Here you are - a quick rundown by Mr. Tech himself.

Don't shake it.

Anatole Itself

The city map is located here. Note the districts. 'Round here, people like to talk in districts, as in "Meet me at the pub in commercial district 3!" That kind of rot. So get to know the layout. You want to avoid walking into the mist if you can help it. Unless you're feeling brave.

For those of us from the lovely world of Earth, think Victorian England plus near-modern (assuming you're from the early 21st century) tech, with the visual spin that it all looks like something you dragged off some geek's goth-style refurbishing site. For those of us who aren't from Earth, you'll figure it out soon enough. If you don't know what a train is, you're looking at an uphill climb toward enlightenment. Plant a flag at the top when you reach the peak.

Moving on. There doesn't seem to be a normal city-run police force, but it's said the Twins can see and hear whatever they like. Is it true? Fuck if I know, but it seems to keep the natives from rioting. Then again, recently we saw some killer get dragged off by some blokes in black. No one got a look at them, really. Could be police, could be... whatever.

If you're still bunking down in the flat you got when you arrived, that puts you in the Outlander Community Block. They'll let you stay for free for one month, then you're on your own unless you want to pay rent. Looks like lots of people are taking the renting option - keeps you away from the natives, makes sure you're not ripped off, too.

See the Xs? That marks the way down to Dismas, the Undercity.
The Bulletin Board - Go to the city square and you'll see it - a big fucking wall with nothing on either side. Look close enough and you'll see advertisement, drawings, whatever people feel like pinning up there.

Government and Natives - The place is run, in theory, by some mystery deal called the Twins. No one ever saw them, till last October, when they threw a little party and their house almost ate the guests. As of now, we know they're blond, and we know they're kids, and not much else.

The Natives, they're not big fans of us. They'll overcharge us, they'll give us attitude, they'll generally make a nuisance of themselves. Not always, mind - there's no such thing as a monolithic thinking pattern, after all. But close enough. Wouldn't say we're second class citizens, but then again I'm not sure we qualify as citizens at all. Anyway, they may not like us, but they'll take our money and labor, so you should survive just fine.

Dismas - The Undercity - Den of depravity, so the saying goes. Full of gambling and arena battles, prostitutes and speakeasies. Nice place to go, if you're into that shit. But be careful, because anything you can do that the average human being can't do? It all goes away down there. Let's say you're a robot, even - well golly gee, suddenly you're all low on batteries and not quite so strong or fast anymore. And you're just a person again. Or maybe for the first time, hm?

Carnival - Haven't been here long enough to predict how often it'll run, but sometimes it gets bigger and more festive, so keep an eye out. Usually happens around New Year's.

The Mist

It looks like mist, it feels like mist, it even smells like mist. But don't be fooled. That shit is no ordinary fog. There's something in it, something strange. Does things to us. Fucks with people's heads, brings in the beasties. Natives say it even controls the Door we all came through. People who have energy-sensing abilities, they say the mist is made of some kind of energy. Well, don't ask me, I live in the realm of the physical. But so far, this is what we know:
It conjures fears: Bit ago, it tumbled all over the city, seeped in through the cracks in buildings. People saw visions, the things they feared most, seems like - or close enough. Either way, they couldn't tell reality from illusions. I'd say keep your eyes open, but it won't actually help.

It brings in things from outside this world: Within a week or so of showing up here, guess what comes through the archway? If your first guess was "A dragon" then congratulations, you've just won the game. It took off without doing much, aside from leveling part of Commercial Districts 2 and 3, but it left a nice load of venomous monsters behind.

If you walk in it, expect an interesting time: So far, we've had people nearly falling over from energy depletion, whispers, visions... seems to get worse the farther out you go.

If you're dead, it strips you down: When someone drops off, the natives drop them off - in the ruins. Inside a day, there's nothing left of them but memories.

It comes into the city, strange shit happens: it forms walls, it seeps into your house, it turns your Forge on and starts recording your thoughts. Yeah, I did bloody well say that. More on that later, too.

Rumors - Seems it'll kill you if you go too far out. Can't say anyone's tried it yet, least not that I know of. Looks like there's something out there, beyond the mist, too. At least judging by the kleptomaniac dolls that have been scurrying off into it.

You: The Scorched

Didn't think you were getting out unscathed, did you? Watch yourself. Might find yourself doing things you couldn't have done before. Or unable to do things you could have done. And careful with yourself because whatever it is you do - lift boulders, electrify shit, whatever it is, it all goes away underground. Ask the natives, they'll tell you something else - you'll still be here in a hundred years, two hundred, five hundred. Depending on how old you are now, you might be exactly the same. Some of us here, we've been here over a year. Haven't seen any new grey hairs popping up, that's for fucking sure.

The first bit? Confirmed. The second, not as much. Obviously none of us have been here for a century. Or, let's just say, if any of us have been, we haven't found them yet.

They call us the Scorched. Supposedly there are a few natives with the same "features." Haven't met one, myself.

Legal shit - For the most part, we're a self-policing community - literally in some cases, seeing as we've got a self-run police force. The most important thing to keep in mind, though, assuming you don't want to end up on the wrong side of the Patrol Commander's sword or the Police Commander's shikai or whatever the fuck they call it these days, is that you leave your old crimes at the door. You show up here, you've got a clean slate: nothing anyone says against you will make those two mobilize or come after you. And if someone with a grudge takes their argument up with you, and you haven't done shit here, the law's on your side. Even if you are a babykilling motherfucker. Isn't that nice to know?

Nice to know this, too: you step outside the lines, all that forgiveness goes away, and then it's open season. Of course, it's up to you how much you care about that.

Known Criminals and Dangerous Individuals
Everyone's got them, right?
Bellatrix - Crazy, torturing, murderous wizard. Tortured natives, attacked Sakura. Imprisoned once, but freed by Yazoo, at which point guards were also killed. Charming. Usually lives in a house by the edge of the ruins.

Riful - She looks like a kid, she sounds like a kid, but she's actually an off the charts powerful tentacle monster. Known torturer/murderer of Senji Kiyomasa. Known to stay in the ruins. Watch it out there.

Yazoo - Silver haired bloke in leather with guns. Likes to spread viral cells, poison water and break psycho witches out of prison. Lives in an abandoned church in the ruins - watch it out there, again.


Doesn't seem like it takes here. Sometimes. Bit unpredictable, that. First to come back from the dead: Altair (#16461084). Assuming that's what happened, seeing as he didn't seem to remember. Second was Priscilla (#23503193). Since then there've been a few more. I'd say it's more likely than not, but that's all assuming the disappearances weren't deaths. Which I wouldn't actually assume. Some of the resurrected lot disappeared later. Might be important... then again, maybe not. Resurrection times vary, too - a few days, a few weeks. Used to be if someone wasn't back in a week, we knew they were gone. Now? Let's just say it's not so clear anymore.

The Ruins and the Tunnels

Both infested with monsters and mist. Mist gets thicker as you go farther, so watch out for the effects. And the critters. By which I mean monsters, both small and large. Looks like we've got a human-eating monster (or a few for that matter) hanging round the ruins these days, so keep your body parts on.

Miscellaneous Dangers, Past and Present

Can't say this is the safest place in the world anyway, but just so everyone knows what to look out for...Serial Killer: For a while there, we had a murderer on the loose. Took some months to track his arse down, but in the end he got dragged off never to be seen again. Comforting, I'm sure. Name was Gerald Gaskin. He was fast - very fast, and immune to abilities. He could predict every move you made before you made it. In short, bad news, but either way... gone now.

Mist birds: See one of these fuckers, I'd say shoot them. They lay eggs full of foul smelling shit that gets you sick. We had an infestation a while back, but they seem to have moved on. Mostly.

Klepto Dolls: Animated dolls, sometimes with names and numbers written on their backs. They show up in your home, steal your shit and bring it back a few days later. Apparently tied to a mystery Orphanage - you can reach it if you bring a doll with you.

Zombie Sailors: These fuckers mostly stay on board the Victoria, but if you see one? Cut its bloody head off and bring the pieces back to the ship. Otherwise it'll just keep getting back up.

Notable Persons and Places, Native Edition

Everyplace has them.
Duncan - Catch him in the local tavern. He's a veritable information storage house. Bit suspicious of him, myself.

The Twins - Supposed leaders of the city. Rarely seen, but apparently people like to write puppet shows and plays to glorify them. Reports on their physical appearance... let's just say it varies. When I saw them, they were just a couple of kids with a dollhouse. But I wouldn't say they were normal, seeing as they were pulling mist and shit out of the air.

Berend's Found Goods Store - If you need something from your homeworld, this is the place to look. They collect the nonliving rubbish that comes through the Door and sell it back to you.

Folkehaven Bookstore and Archival Library - Want to learn about the land or buy literature from your homeworld? This is the place to go. These people are mass-producing literature from every world they can get their grubby paws on. Not a bad way to make a living. Employs some bloke called Eli, freak with a knife fetish. For a while, we all thought he might be carving people up.

Public Market - People occasionally ask me where they get food. This would be the place.

Outlander Community Block - Where the unwanted congregate. That's probably where most of you lot are living right now. Free rent for a month, then reduced rent if you're one of us.

Terrence's Cafe - Relative safe haven if you're not looking for harassment. Decent prices. Commercial District 2.

The Bathhouses - Don't feel like dragging water from the fountains to your house? Pay these blokes an ivory or two and get clean in a lovely communal setting. Don't go there if you're modest, unless you want to pay for privacy. Commerical District 3.

Ghost Orphanage - Pick up a doll and head out into the mist, you'll find yourself allowed to go a bit beyond the normal limits with no discernible effect. Eventually, you'll end up in a rotted old house - if it's daytime. At night, you'll find a lively orphanage full of dead kids. Home of the kleptomaniac dolls.

The Victoria - Ghost steamship constantly hanging 'round by the docks. Staffed by zombies and ghosts and one fucker of a Captain. These blokes will indulge you in Liar's Dice with prizes, but there's a bad side, too - lose and you take a penalty.

Places for Work
Well, everyone's got to pay the rent, and in a month you'll be out on your arse if you don't collect ivories. Far as I can tell, these are the best places to start:

In Anatole
Retail - There are stores all over this city, and all of them need someone to move product. Keep your pride low and get ready to make a sales pitch.

Carnival - Probably a good place to go if you've got a special trick or like to maintain rides. Haven't spent much time there, myself, but they've got performers, freaks, tricks, shows and of course people doing maintenance and feeding the freaks. Saw a bleeding elf there, once. In a cage.

The Ceolsige - An event hall in a ship off the docks. Maintains their own lodgings for workers.

The Pub - Good if you know how to mix a drink.

Greenhouse Row - Farming and shit. Probably need people to carry the vegetables and water them, fuck if I know.

Tea Saucerer's - Victorian tea shop with a garden in the back. Hiring.

The Twin's Manor - Domestics, etc. Provides lodgings to workers.

In Dismas
Casino - Apparently they have low hiring standards. Run by Liam "Red" Kelly, an ex-gladiator.

Brothel - If you're into that kind of thing.

Various bars, speakeasies, strip clubs - You know how it goes.

The Arena - For people willing to break heads and arms and legs for a living, probably the fastest, most dangerous way to earn ivories. Pays fairly well, but they don't guarantee your limbs will survive the trip. Abilities are reactivated while fighting, but turn off if you leave the "stage" area. They probably also need people to do bookings, etc. Fuck if I know.

There are places everywhere, so think about your skills and put them to work. I'm sure there's a fat lazy merchant somewhere just dying for a bodyguard, after all.

Notable Businesses, Organizations, Locations and Persons, Scorched Edition
Support your fellow Outcast. Most of these places are hiring from time to time, so you may as well ask. Alphabetical order.
Cafeteria - Located in the Outlander Community Block, and dedicated to keeping anyone reading this from starving to death. Not sure who's got it going these days, if anyone, but there's a television in there so if you find tapes ship them over. Defunct, as no one upkept it when the founders disappeared.

Clinic - Staffed by Sakura (ID #23430094). Known for her lovely medical skills. She also gives first aid lessons. Probably the biggest, most relied on medical facility we've got.

Dojo - Founded by Naruto (#23090369). Self-defense for the defenseless. Includes some extracurricular lessons.

Financial Services - If you have money from your homeworld with you and need a bit startup capital, contact me, ID#17925541. I'll convert it to ivories. Also, loans are available with reasonable interest rates.

First Bank of Anatole - In case you prefer dealing with Johan Anderson (ID #24095699). Loans, etc. Well, Christ it's a bank. Defunct with Johan's disappearance.

Gladiator Support and Management - Looking to profit off of carnage by fighting in the Dismas Arena? Contact Elena, ID#19608793 for management services for a small commission. Speaking of Elena, she does all kinds of shit. Ask her about Mahjong.

Language Tutelage Services - Provided by Sousuke Aizen (#19164368), who is apparently panlingual or some shit like that. Expect lots of tea.

Muffin Alchemy Inc. - Run by Dawn Summers (#29627342) and Alphonse Elric (#29654662). Sells Muffins.

Patrol Unit - Founded and headed by Priscilla, ID#23503193. The largest faction of combat-types the city's got. Patrols the ruins, provides for each other to one degree or another. Based in a self-sufficient headquarters, recently renovated and containing lodgings, food services and training facilities for Patrol members. Occasionally takes in the homeless. Includes a policing subunit run by Byakuya Kuchiki (ID#24076043). Pays a living wage.

Ramen ya Soba - Noodle shop formerly owned by Nagi, ID #23421131. Left to Senji (#23530809) and Karako(#24721837) with Nagi's apparent demise. Commercial District 3. Serves various noodles and Japanese cuisine. Won't mean much to you if you're not from Earth or something similar. Often hiring.

Red and Blue Odd Jobs - Miscellaneous services performed by Zack (#19844013). Believe he's looking for some help these days.

Securities and Custom Programming Jobs - Done by Matt (#20012684). He'll handprogram games, make your house secrue as a bank vault, that kind of shit. Also, tends to do a fuckton of Forge repair.

Show of the Century - A circus run and maintained by Joker (#28233043). Employs a number of performers.

The Foxhole - Scorched-run bar, owned and operated by by Helen (ID#24352364). Bit on the rough side, as far as bars go. At least from my understanding.

Any questions?

senji "crow" kiyomasa, leon scott kennedy, luke fon fabre, mail "matt" jeevas, guy cecil, kaien shiba, miranda lotto, !mihael "mello" keehl, oruha

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