
Mar 22, 2010 21:45

I still say they're not doing this whole carnival thing right, but I think I could get used to 'em here. Especially if they're giving out free food... I'm guessin' to make up for this goddamn stupid matchmaking racket.

And if I find out the son of a bitch that put my name in, we're gonna have a nice one on one chat together. Unless it was Elena, then I'm docking your pay.

...Oh and, Owl? Next time you go makin' comments about people's personal lives, might wanna make sure you ain't off screwing your sixteen year old doctor. I can think of more than a few people that might have a problem with that.

Fuckin' hypocrite.

!senji "crow" kiyomasa, light yagami, scar, sasori, priscilla, nagi "owl" kengamine, elena, helen, toto sakigami

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