
Mar 22, 2010 22:51

[Guess who’s gotten into the sweets and lost the ability to know when to keep her mouth shut? The normally reticent Riza sounds irritated and suspicious and perhaps slightly inebriated.]

The more I think about it, the more I believe there is something larger at work here. Who could have known before I was brought here that the Door would pull me here? Who could have known early enough to put my name in that damn matchmaking game? And why have we all been brought here from so many different places and times? What is the purpose behind all this?

I don’t like it.

[Voice - private to Mustang]
[She can almost be heard straightening herself up because she has not yet had enough sugar to shake from her years of military training]

I’m sorry, Colonel, but I was forced to discharge my weapon in public. I fired one shot in self-defense, resulting in one wounded and no fatalities. The wound was treated and the victim is in stable condition [You can’t hear that annoyed inflection, oh no.]. I apologize for my conduct.

byakuya kuchiki, wolfgang grimmer, !riza hawkeye, light yagami

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