
Mar 22, 2010 16:27

-- wasn't my fault anyway! That old pervert- you know, how many times is a guy- a girl- whatever- supposed to tell someone to keep their goddamn hands to themselves? I warned him! Nice as I could too but did he listen? No! Of course he didn't listen, why would he listen, it's not like there's anything to be worried about right? I'm just a girl-

[Have a Naruto. or well this would be Naruto if Naruto wasn't a full-bosomed blonde with big blue eyes and pouty lips and the whole nine yards. So, have a woman instead, with long blonde hair, and with a voice that is a few octaves higher than Naruto's. Oh, and she looks distinctly pissed off.]

Or okay, not all the time but working there and he didn't know that but-

He'll remember it next time he tries to grab someone's ass!

Don't. 'Cause you could get your face punched in. And then she could kick you in the crotch.

[A pause. The woman looks thoughtful- but still pissed.]

I think that's a good lesson. Everyone should remember that.

Anyway, m'gonna be late today 'cause I've gotta see about gettin' another job so uh-- I'll see you then!

[Yeah, this wasn't supposed to be video and it was supposed to be screened to Sasuke and Sakura. But guess who had a muffin or ten and isn't exactly super focused right now?]

!naruto uzumaki, namine, nate "near" river, light yagami, mei chan, sasori

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