Before I begin, I should note that I've added
much_ado to my flist and joined
mumsfs, both as I said I'd do. Anyway, hi, and welcome. This might strike folks as an unusual step, given the subject of this journal entry, but there ya go.
In my last thoughts on the subject, I mentioned that LJ has acted irresponsibly as a company with respect to this whole Strikethrough thing (and some earlier things - remember "Nipplegate"?) and as a result I'm not currently in the mood to give them my money. They are, however, clearly making an effort to try and right their wrongs by revisiting their ToS, contacting the EFF, and so on. There's some question as to whether or not that's enough, even given that I don't really engage in any practices which are even close to violating the ToS. And while this is my journal, there's also the fact that I have subscribers, in a sense, who would miss my journaling if I just simply stopped.
There are a few options. I could continue with my journal the way it is, on LJ. I would not give them any money; just continue to update and post. There are some problems with that - first, I wouldn't have access to polls, extra icons, and other things which I enjoy and which make my blogging a more pleasant experience. Secondly, there is ample evidence that I'm worth more to them as a product rather than a paying customer; that is, the amount of money they can get from having me as a member which they can claim to an advertiser is quite possibly more than I would pay to them directly for their services. Staying with the service, even as a "free account", might not be enough of a hit in the pocketbook to dissuade them from doing it again.
I could take them at their word, forgive and forget, and just renew my account. A triumph of hope over experience, perhaps, but much easier in the short run.
I could head over to GreatestJournal.
nezmaster has done so, and I think
kugelblitz may as well; Nez was also kind enough to point out to me, when I was too dim to figure it out myself, that ads can indeed be disabled there, allowing for a less aggravating experience. They do not seem to have polls, and there'd be the question of how and when to transfer over all the material in this journal to there...others who stay with LJ might be inconvenienced as well.
I also have a way out, boffo idea. The LJ code is free software, I'm starting my own company, and I really don't care about 99% of who is on LJ so long as I can read my friends and their communities, and vice versa. Yep, with some supreme effort, and an amount of cash outlay, I could create a fork of LJ and run it my own way. It would be, at the least, interesting to find out what people would pay for such a service...and how much it would take to maintain it.
I don't have the ability to post a poll, so I'll just keep the comments open and see what people say.