(no subject)

Mar 20, 2011 20:43

My little brother's in town, and all of us got together for lunch today after church.  Somehow we got on the subject of Rob Bell and his new book, Love Wins (which isn't out yet), mainly because Daniel and Lisa have really enjoyed Bell's series of devotions (the Nooma videos), but were put off by the interview Bell gave for Good Morning America.  I haven't seen either the devotions or the interview, so had no opinion either way, but we got into a discussion about universalism, marketing, agendas, and two or three other things, with the eventual conclusion that we'd need to read the book before making any judgements.  Meanwhile, Lisa and I commisserated on that feeling you get when you've really learned a lot from someone and then you discover that they believe something you can't agree with.

And Dad told us that hearing us "kids" discuss these things and reaching said conclusion was just about the best thing ever.

(It probably helped that the whole discussion took place during a delicious lunch of ribs marinated in teriyaki/soy sauce, with noodles, sweet corn, and fruit salad to go with.  Dessert was "molten chocolate" cupcakes with vanilla ice cream.  Oh yeah.)

Later, we messed with Toby's head when Mom stole his cup of water when he wasn't looking, and it got passed beneath the table while Toby tried to get Mom to fess up, until it showed up with Lisa on his other side, noisily drinking the rest of the water.  Toby couldn't figure out how it happened.

So that Celtic Mass we're working on?  There's one part that was co-comissioned by our choir, meaning that it's got the choir's name and Z's name right under the title.  Guess which movement has a spot in it that messes us up every time?  Arrgh.  As one of the other sopranos put it, "I feel like we should apologize."

food, awesomeness, family, silliness, argh, choir, theology

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