Just saw The Eleventh Hour.
We liked it. We did. It felt... small, I think is the word. And it's quite the mood whiplash from The End of Time - not that that's a bad thing! It's just... different. Lots and lots of fun lines. Amy looks to be interesting. And Matt Smith is, indeed, very Doctory. He's got a strange and rare trick of doing utterly mad things, rambling and throwing out non-sequitors, never hesitating to do what needs to be done, however bizarre it might look to an outsider, without ever acting like he knows it's weird. And then, suddenly, he turns around, and yes, he knows all right. He just doesn't care. I like that. I like that a lot. It's like, "I'm insanity personified. Sound like fun?" Eccleston and Tennant always seemed a bit self-aware that way. Smith is not, and I enjoy it.
I like the irony of the entire town knowing what the Doctor looks like and he has no clue. "Who's he supposed to be?" Rory's disbelief was priceless. "How can he be here?" "There's a Prisoner Zero, too?"
We all commisserated on the smallness of the town. Amy (my roommie, that is) has lived in a town of less than 4,000, and Trudy's from a little place that's less than 400. "Twenty minutes and all I've got is a post office. And it's shut." Be happy you have that, buddy boy.
I rather loved the way the Doctor called the Atraxi back and faced them down. That was unexpected and very satisfying. He was going to finish this one right. How long have we waited for that to happen?
Though we all called the fact that Amy was going to get married. After everything she's been through, does she seriously think the Doctor's gonna be able to drop her off at the right time? Maybe she just figures this is more important... and I wouldn't blame her for that.
Loved her line about "I grew up" and the Doctor saying he can fix that. Shows like that are an antidote to cynecism. We're too ready to dismiss the wonderous and the amazing. We need to be reminded that even without magic phoneboxes, the world is an awesome place.
Gonna have to watch this one again, just to get everything, but I have a good feeling about this season. I think we're gonna have fun.
(and hey, new userpic to go with!)