Okay, I don't know what took me so long to find this place, but I just joined
Got this in my email today:
Tomorrow at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04 - 05 - 06.
That won't happen for another century.
You may now return to your (normal) life.
And now I'm all freaked out. I always liked dates that were weird, like 01/01/01 a few years back, or my nephew's birthday: 01/23/04. It's just fun.
Had supper with Kayla today. (not the bistro thing, that's next week) Was much fun. We ate and talked and went on for an hour and a half, and it didn't seem near that long. She's all excited about graduating this spring, with her degree in accounting. And we talked about the librarian job thingy, and the annoyance of buzzwords, and the convenience of living with people who have media you like (she and her sister share CDs and DVDs), and all sorts of other things. It was very nice.
Thanks to Daylight Savings, the sun was up so very long after work!
Oh, and Daniel called to say that the extra work for my car, which he had priced at about $100, is all paid for. The $475 will now cover the engine replacement, a new timing belt, new sparkplugs, and all sorts of stuff. I suspect my dad had something to do with it, but am happy nonetheless. Though I was kinda amused when Daniel warned me to "drive slow" on Saturday. "I'll stay well below the speed limit," I assured him, thinking I might stick to 65-70 mph. "Actually," Daniel says, "you probably shouldn't push 60." Better get up really early on Saturday then, I guess.