Day 28!

Mar 03, 2010 11:55

My year, in great detail.  I don't know that all that many interesting things happened this year, but I'm going to include a picture from each month (hence the cut - 12 photos sort of demand it).

February 2009


I actually had to go back to my calendar on the computer to see what happened last February.  I took over the student recruitment coordinator position at the free clinic, so I was spending a LOT of time writing emails and schmoozing with people back then (wow, that seems like so long ago now!).  Curt and I, on a whim (<-- and we never do things on a whim) spent a gorgeous day at a resort and spa on the beach.  We're not really beach people when it's warm, but thought it would be fun (and super cheap!) to do it in February -- this is the picture.

March 2009


Spring break in Georgia!  I wrote about this in a previous entry, but here's another picture.  It was warm, and beautiful, and very difficult to return to gray and damp Connecticut.  Picture disclaimer: my head is not in the mouth of a, um, living alligator (crocodile? - my friend from Georgia would kill me...).

April 2009


Made the terrifying realization that year 1 of med school was rapidly nearing completion, and I really ought to have learned something.  Spent significantly more time in the library.  This was summer recruitment season for the free clinic, so I worked a lot on that.  Spent most Saturdays at diabetes/HTN screenings at Neighborhood Health Project (1 1/2 hours per session - sooooo much easier than the free clinic! :-)). Picture is from my birthday.

May 2009


I discovered the hair straightener.  Enough said.  Just kidding; I did more that month than straighten my hair, I promise.  Read lots of new volunteer applications for the free clinic, made schedules, ran orientation.  Finalized summer lab rotations.  Took child and adolescent development class, which I loved.  Started to consider med-peds residency, but that's many years down the line...

June 2009


Finished the first year of med school!  Moved into an apartment (I had been in the med school dorm for the past year).  Started lab rotation #1 - began working in the Shadel lab (molecular biology, studying mitochondria).  I like mitochondria because of the connection to metabolism, but have very little interest in molecular biology.  That's fine, though; the program requires at least 2 lab rotations, so I had to do it even though I knew I would be re-joining the lab where I worked as an undergrad.  A friend and classmate got married!  I was supposed to go, but Travelocity didn't send me my tickets, or they got lost in the mail, and I assumed I would be able to print them out at the airport, but apparently not (don't get me started on THAT!).  We threw her a bachelorette party beforehand (see picture) and saved the paraphernalia to pass it down for subsequent bachelorette parties.

July 2009


Spent the fourth of July weekend in Cape Cod at a place owned by a friend's boyfriend's family (that sounds like a very roundabout connection, but isn't really).  See picture #1.  It was a welcome break at the end of lab rotation #1.  Finished rotation #1 (ended up getting some good data, but honestly couldn't care less about it) and started lab rotation #2 (control of ventilation, with applications to epilepsy and SIDS).  Injected lots of mice with drugs to induce seizures.  Spent a lot of time with infants mice, and came close to vomiting many times when I saw the mothers eat their babies... Did not enjoy this rotation, for opposite reasons as rotation #1.  In this case, the subject matter was interesting, but the PI is absolutely a crazy person.

August 2009


Gave an oral presentation at a conference with three days notice from my PI (did I mention he's a crazy person?!).  Let me emphasize that I'd been working on this project for four weeks and knew nothing about it coming in.  Not fun.  On the up side, I finished rotation #2!  Spent a long weekend at Curt's extended family's place on the ocean on Long Island...absolutely gorgeous, and a very much needed break.

September 2009


Began year 2 of med school.  Material came fast(quickly) and furious(ly)!  Became one of the directors of the free clinic and signed away my life for the next year.  Picture is from when my cousin surprised us by coming to visit for a weekend.  Some of my knitted dolls are in the background :-)

October 2009
Finished training to be a director and began spending most Saturdays at the free clinic.  No photos this time, since I'll have two for the next 2 months...

November 2009


Lots of class, but that's not really anything new.  The Harvard-Yale game was the last week of November, and that's always an event.  Many of my former suitemates came to visit, which was wonderful.  As usual, at the game itself, we were doing well for the first 3 1/2 quarters, and then fell apart spectacularly.  (It's amazing that after six years, with a completely new team and new coach, this is still happening...) The second photo is from the Thanksgiving potluck some friends and I had.  One person, who clearly was a preschool teacher in a former life, supplied the hats.

December 2009


Phew, almost done.  Class as usual, free clinic as usual (settling into a routine - it's a lot of time, but is not quite as stressful).  We went to Rochester for Christmas; you can see a picture of my grandmother with the toilet seat we gave her.  We're such a classy group.  Spent New Years in Boston with Curt and his family (picture #2).

January 2010


How is it 2010?!  Recruited new board for the free clinic, and spent inordinate amounts of time conducting interviews and discussing the candidates. (Getting that many type A people into a room at once is dangerous.)  Had our annual MD/PhD program retreat, which is always fun.  Our kiss-ass class made a birthday cake with 76 lit candles (see picture) for the program director.

Phew!  Thanks for making it through this!!

Day 01 → Your favorite song
Day 02 → Your favorite movie
Day 03 → Your favorite television program
Day 04 → Your favorite book
Day 05 → Your favorite quote 
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 → A photo you took
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 → A fictional book
Day 14 → A nonfiction book
Day 15 → A fanfic
Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy

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