I'm such a WORD NERD, I even dream that way!

Sep 17, 2007 16:25

One of my favorite literary techniques is alliteration (i.e. "bewitched, bothered and bewildered") and for some reason, my subconscious mind must have been thinking alliteratively last night about the letter "H", because I had the weirdest dream involving words with that letter! Someone I know in real life (as opposed to the "anonymous extras" we sometimes meet in dreams) handed me some documents that contained the results of some lab tests he'd had. I don't know where the dream took place, or where we were when he gave me the documents. I just remember him leaving a second or two after that, but I don't know where or how he disappeared so fast.

I looked at the documents and saw he was diagnosed with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), hemochromatosis ("iron overload") and hecatitis. The third disorder is obviously not a word, although it sounds suspiciously like hepatitis, the viral liver disease. However, I remember that in the dream, hecatitis was some rare disorder in which the person starts to resemble Hecate! Of course, there are hundreds of interpretations of her in paintings, statues, etc., ranging from beautiful to ugly, but in the dream, it was the ugly Hecate whom the person would start to resemble -- mainly in the coarsening and aging of their facial features.

Was that a WEIRD dream or what?? *blush* Any comments or analyses?

words, dreams

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