Is it ever OK to tell a stranger her foul, strong perfume almost CHOKED me?

Sep 14, 2007 16:29

Please click here to read the details of this question, which I asked about an hour ago on Yahoo Answers. In just one hour's time, I've already received 50 answers -- and they're all over the map, too!! WOW! I really hit some nerves -- both good and bad! heh

You don't have to respond to my question at Yahoo Answers; I just didn't want to do any pasting and/or editing of the question from there to here. Plus, I want to have a handy link to it in my journal, so I can check it whenever I'm here. So, please feel free to reply right here, not at Yahoo Answers, unless you really want to. :) Thanks!

rant, daily life, etiquette

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