Off on me travels....

Feb 16, 2008 06:01

.... down to dad's in Eastbourne. Best laugh? My little fucker of a younger brother Danz hasn't got a clue that Jan (my step mum) & me are coming. Sneaky eh? As much as my old fart can be a complete arsehole he does have his moments of blaitant back-handedness.

Didn't take my meds at 9 like I should have done as I needed to be awake for when dad turned up, but I will take them as soon as we get through dad's front door.

Speaking of Danz, he's in deep, deep hot water. He let one of his mates use his name & address to get a contract phone, & the mate, J, has ran up a bill for £1500 (roughly $3000 US) in about 6 weeks. & Danz is the victim who's gotta carry the can. What a bloody fool.

Seriously missing Sara like no-ones business & it's getting all the worse hour by hour. I really do want her home with me BUT I want her to get better first. Sara getting better comes well above & far beyond my desires.

Got a splitting headache that I've had since around 6pm UK time, & painkillers (prescribed dose only) haven't touched it at all. My ribs still hurt when I breathe in, & the pain has spread to my lower back. I'll leave it til monday/tuesday & then consider going to the drs.

Anyways, I'm being extremely antisocial by updating whilst we're all having a collective bitch about afore-mentioned younger brother.

Speak to you guys later X
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