isn't the t'internet super ^_^

Apr 04, 2008 02:07

I come to you this evening from the comfort of my bed (which is a whole 2ft from my comp ><;) using my latest purchase, Nintendo DS Lite Browser! It's not able to show video and its pretty slow but its nifty for having a browse when im too tired to move or at m'folks. I've not tested many sites bar Amazon which works but wont allow me to log in so its more of a searching items thing. If I find its not worth the effort though I know I can pretty much get my money back if not make a little profit since it seems to be selling high on ebay.

It's nice to be off my feet doing this though as im all kinds of shatterd after a exhausting day at work. We are trying to stick all the crap from the other store on the system so we can do this fucking inventory before we all die of old age >_<; I was sure it had all got sent elsewhere so we wouldn't have to deal with this shit but apparently some 'nice' people sent it back lol..can't say I blame them really!

Oh! Is anyone else watching channel 4's Bollywood/Asian season? or in fact does anyone else like bollywood films or amI alone here? lol Well if not I recommend watching a film I saw last night called KOI...MIL GAYA which is india's answer to E.T. but with singing, dancing and pure campness not to mention some sad moments :( Its pure wonderfulness and I would even go as far as to say it's better than E.T!! I shall be buying me some of that tomorrow when I get on the comp, along with the mass of other BW dvd's I have on my list now ^_^ will just have to split them with my manga buys too though since saying I'm behind a little on it would be an understatment! I've not bough anything in that area in months and me no likey!

Hope your feeling better now by the way Deb's, nana told me you hadn't been well :( If you have any time free next week btw let me know cause may have to go to Notts to get an order so your welcome to come even without money since I will be doing more of a window shopping than buying thanks to those 2 weeks of >_

work, t'internet, ds, bollywood

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