Sep 10, 2008 01:30
Has been 1 week now since I began my 24th year of being far it aint the best folks.
Ok so yes this is in part to the fact that I went shopping in Manchester friday - the day it chose to rain constantly and not lightly the entire day...while I was wearing my trainers with the split sole's. I ended up with shoe's full of water and by the time I got back I was in no small amount of pain which has stayed - makes walking that little bit more fun ><;
I would give a long list of all birthday related stuff but I can't be bothered tonight so I am going to go watch Sugar Rush and enjoy my last day of holiday ^_^
Oh! I want to thank all of you that wished me a happy birthday ^_^ and those of you who didn't.............*strikes a dramatic pose before sobbing into a lace hanky* :P